Doomguy Vs Duke Nukem


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Duke Nukem 3d Wiki

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Doomguy is a bad ass, but Duke is a deliberately overpowered caricature of characters like Doomguy, emphasizing badassery and firepower. The newest envisioning of Doomguy is pretty OP as well, but I'd have to hand it to Duke. The Revolutionaries of modern FPS! It's Wolfenstein vs. Duke Nukem vs Doom! Rip and tear!! Wiz: First person shooters. There has been a lot of them over the years from Battlefield to Call Of Duty, but before them there were only three.

Both characters have amazing classic games and less flattering remakes, so let's look at both characters in their heyday back when the games were contemporary to each other.Using Doom2 and Duke3d.Let's talk health and armor. 100 points each doesn't mean anything because we don't know if they use the same scale. This means we need to find a common weapon and see how many hits they can each survive.If you're counting rocket hits to judge durability it favors Doomguy, but I'm not sure that's a fair case to be made. It's also entirely reasonable to assume that Duke's rocket launcher does several times the damage of the Doom Rocket Launcher. Without all the facts we might be assuming that a Panzerfaust and a Javelin have similar damage potential, and they most certainly do not.The shotgun blast is a better gauge of durability as the payload is a bit more consistent. Both games use a 12 gauge 7 pellet shot.

These weapons are definitely describing the same real world weapon with similar in-game representations. So let's compare shotguns instead of rocket launchers.In Duke3D a shotgun does 70 damage. 10 damage per pellet with 7 pellets. In Doom2 a shotgun does 35-105 damage. 5-15 damage per pellet with 7 pellets. The Doom shotgun has variable damage, but still averages out to 70 damage.The shotguns are pretty much spot on equal. Both characters have 100 health, both shotguns do 70 damage.

This means without powerups both characters have the exact same durability.Characters have the same durability, but Duke's weapons instagib much faster in PvP. Overall, most of Duke's weapons have a much higher damage potential. The BFG is an exception here, but it's also the 'end game' weapon.

I PvPed Doom a lot and I can say while the BFG was the most damaging gun it wasn't necessarily the best gun for everything.Powerups and special gear. Duke takes this one with ease. Duke has the same max health limits as Doomguy, and though Duke has a lower max armor he has a very wide range of special power ups including the Jetpack, HoloDuke, NVGs, and steroids. Duke also has a few specialty weapons such as the freeze ray and shrink ray that completely bypass health/armor.Movement Speed. I agree that Doomguy is faster, but don't forget that Duke is also freakishly fast.

I've spent a good while looking for any hard numbers and haven't been able to find them, but Duke3D was absolutely part of the 'arcade' speed era and it's game pacing was heavily inspired by Doom. I don't think the speed advantage is as large as most people think. We're talking about 55mph vs 65mph, not 'normal human' vs 65mph.Armor. Doom guy and Duke both max at a default 100 armor, but Doom guy can get a powerup for up to 200 armor. This is significant, but also offset by how much more damage Duke's guns do.In a winding varied arene with lots of cover and close quarters fighting.Overall, I'm inclined to give it to Duke 7/10 in a standard deathmatch using mid-tier weapons and no special power ups for anyone. Doomguy is faster, but not overwhelmingly so.

Most of Duke's weapons are simply better. He has much more situational equipment, and similar durability.If we go max equipment and power ups I'll say Doomguy 7/10. He'll have double the armor and the BFG can be an ass kicker in close combat. However, it's not a complete stomp because Duke can still one-shot Doomguy with a shrink ray.In a wide open arena with no cover, starting at long range.In a mid-tier match I give this to duke 8/10. Duke's long range weapons are better.

Doom's rockets were notoriously easy to dodge, and the other guns had far too much scatter. The best choice for Doom would be the plasma gun, but I think it's not much of a match up against Duke's faster moving OHK rockets and much more accurate minigun.In a max equipment with all power ups on an open field. I'm giving this to duke 9/10. The BFG was weaksauce at extreme range.

Doom And Duke Nukem

The shot traveled much to slow, and the raycast line of sight damage was so diffused that it never did more than 49 to 85 damage at long range, had a long pre-fire warm up, a slow fire rate, and only cast ray damage after the projectile detonated. If Duke is using his jetpack the BFG shots will be lost into the skybox and never detonate. This also means no Raycast damage.

Meanwhile, Duke's devastator has fast moving accurate projectiles with splash damage firing from an elevated position. His rockets were also faster moving and had great splash damage. Even if he misses he's likely to inflict substantial damage on the Doom marine.

DISCLAIMER: NO BABES WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS DEATH BATTLE.Roy: 90's fight!!!Xl: The verdict has been settled on, and we've taken everyone's votes into consideration, so, without further ado.Ivan: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!-Hollywood'Now, Mr. Nukem-'Please, call me Duke.' Said the voice of a very familiar man, with sunglasses, and a babe around either arm. With a cigar in one hand, and a pistol in the other, Duke Nukem was on the Oprah Winfrey Show, talking about his new autobiography titled 'Why I'm So Great.'

Duke cracked his neck, as one of his babes scooted closer to him.' Excuse me, Duke, where did you get inspiration for your autobiography, as it is a compelling read.'

Oprah asked while displaying one of the copies of the book to show the audience. Duke smirked and placed his cigar in his mouth for a quick puff, before blowing out a small cloud of smoke.' Is there a 'No Smoking' policy here?

Whatever, well, I got the idea for my masterpiece, after I had kicked a lot of alien ass. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I was thinking to myself, holy shit! I'm pretty damn awesome!'

Duke said while crossing one leg over the other, adjusting his sunglasses.' How Compelling!!! Duke, you are an artist, as your autobiography is an inspirational piece of art!

And for the audience, check under your seat because there is something for you!' Oprah yelled in an excited tone, as the various audience members checked under their seats, before pulling up copies of 'Why I'm So Great.' 'You get a book, you get a book, and you get a book, everyone in the audience get's a book!

And best of all, Duke will be signing after the show as well-'BANG!!!A Shotgun slug was fired directly through the copy of the book Oprah was holding, much to everyone's horror. Most of the members of the audience ducked for cover, while Duke Nukem placed his babes behind him before aiming his Pistol at the armored Shotgun wielder. That man was Doomguy.' Whoa, whoa, dude, calm your shit man! I'm doing a signing after the show so just chill out!'

Duke said with his Pistol in hand. 'If you want a copy so bad, just take one and leave' Duke yelled at Doomguy while motioning him to leave.' GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!' Doomguy replied while giving Duke the finger.'

Guess you're gonna be a pain in the ass.let's take this outside.' Duke said while running up the stairs, in an attempt to calm down the intruder of the Oprah Winfrey Show. As soon as Duke got close enough to Doomguy, he was met with a hard, cracking punch to the cheek, knocking him backwards.' That just took any bit of patience I had with you, asshole.

You wanna get your ass kicked? Cause it's happening!' Duke yelled by kicking Doomguy backwards, leaving the set of the Oprah Winfrey show. Fighting each other through the hallway leading to the exit, Duke noticed the knocked out, possibly dead bodies of two heavyset security guards.Upon leaving the building, Doomguy and Duke Nukem began to stand off, staring each other down. Doomguy had a Shotgun in hand, while Duke Nukem had his Pistol ready to go. Both were ready, but neither made a move. When they were about to draw their weapons and fire, they were interrupted by the screams of random civilians.

Turning around, Doomguy noticed the horde of Demons approaching.' Doomguy growled while shooting a nearby Demon dead with his Shotgun, spilling it's guts like a Grindcore pinata, complete with fresh organs and meat chunks.Duke was ready to fire, if he didn't see the looming ships of Aliens, along with the ones on foot as well, approaching Duke and nearby civilians at an alarming pace. Duke quickly shot two Aliens, one armored one in the eye, popping it like a puss-filled zit, while the other was shot in the cheek, it's jaw left a caved in mess of dark red, with stringy, almost meat-fat like pieces of meat dripping from his hollowed out jaw. The alien began to hobble towards Duke, the alien's eyes fixated on Duke's face.' Just a question.why did you screw me over in the interview?' Asked Duke while chin-kicking the aliens face with his boot, skyrocketing the monster's eyes and brain matter, which came back down to rain on the dead corpse.' Because I don't like you.YOU'RE NOT A HERO, YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT!!!'

Roared Doomguy, once again turning his attention to Duke.' Muttered Duke under his breath.

'This won't end well.' FIGHT!!!Upon saying those very words, Duke found himself being punched in the gut, as he was sent upwards with a groan. Doomguy charged up another punch, slamming his fist into Duke's nose, launching the Alien Hunter backwards. Duke slowly stood up, cracking his knuckles, before punching Doomguy back in retaliation. Doomguy's reaction, was.anticlimactic, the fist making a cracking noise, bouncing off of Doomguy's body armor.Duke's hand was fine, while Doomguy's armor barely had a dent on it.

Doomguy looked down at where he was punched, and looked back up, shrugging before head-butting(or Helmet-butting) Duke Nukem, sending him on his back in mere seconds. Doomguy readied his Shotgun, but Duke booted him backwards, before holstering his pistol.'

So, you think you're hot shit cause you've got a Shotgun? Sure, it's bitchin' and all, but, I've got one too asshole! Duke yelled while pulling out his Shotgun, before firing at Doomguy.Immediately, Doomguy sprinted, running circles around Duke in a Split-Second. Duke Nukem had no idea where to shoot, as his armored opponent was way too fast to get a clear hit on. Firing, Duke got a lucky hit, shooting Doomguy in the arm, his bicep popping in one area like a bright red paintball.Doomguy immediately halted to a stop, looking down at his arm before looking up at Duke. In a few seconds, Duke found himself kicked into a nearby brick wall, with Doomguy aiming his Shotgun at his head. Duke quickly escaped a Shotgun Slug to the head, while Doomguy yanked out the wound from Duke with little effort.Duke Nukem found himself cornered with a wall behind him, and Doomguy's Shotgun ready to fire in front of him.

Gripping his own Shotgun, Duke raised it up to Doomguy, grinning. Popping a cigar into his mouth and taking an inhale, he began to circle around Doomguy slowly.'

Listen, I've got a Shotgun, you've got a Shotgun.why don't we just settle our differences and-BANG MOTHERFUCKER!!!' Duke roared while firing his Shotgun, attempting to disarm Doomguy.only to see that Doomguy had lifted his arm upwards, dodging the attack, much to Duke's dismay.Duke was immediately hit by a Shotgun Shell from Doomguy, directly in the ribs. Luckily for Duke, the sheer amount of muscle in his body kept him from being damaged too much, making Doomguy's attack merely a flesh-wound. Duke doubled over, gritting his teeth, as he yanked the Shell from his abdomen.Duke slowly got up, while Doomguy cocked his Shotgun once more, aiming in between Duke's eyes, enough to shatter his sunglasses and cave his head in. Duke groggily made it back to his feet, gripping his Shotgun with the strength he was slowly regaining. Flexing his abs, he gave Doomguy a shit-eating grin, enough for Doomguy to fire.Duke quickly dodged the attack, while Doomguy readied his Shotgun once again.

Somehow, Duke's cigar was still in his mouth, as he blew a puff of smoke out, before trash-talking his Demon Hunting opponent.' Looks like your Shotgun's about to BREAK!!!'

Duke yelled while shooting the Shotgun with his own Shotgun, blowing it to pieces. Duke laughed as he began to ready his Shotgun once more at Doomguy. Doomguy simply shrugged, as he began to walk towards Duke Nukem, not the least bit fazed from the attack.What Duke wasn't expecting, was a Super Shotgun to come out, readied and aimed.' OH YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING-'BANG!' Duke yelled while jumping off to the side, narrowly dodging the blast from Doomguy, who's Super Shotgun emitted a small bit of smoke after the blast. Duke looked up to see that Doomguy was readying yet another massive Super Shotgun Shell at Duke's own head.Duke quickly ducked from the Shotgun Slug, not knowing that a massive demon was behind him, who took the Shotgun blast to the chest.

The Demon's body burst like a Blood Filled Fire Hose, shooting a steady stream of blood and meat chunks along the way. The stream ended right at Doomguy's feet, who reloaded his Super Shotgun.Duke noticed the hordes of Aliens and Demons, all ripping each other apart until they were bloody discolored chunks of meat.

The Demons tore apart the aliens, floating aliens and armored ones alike, while the aliens lunged at the demons, tearing the unholy species limb from limb. One demon was seen caving in an aliens body, eating the gore from the alien, leaving it similar to a hollowed out cornucopia of a being.While Doomguy was also watching the carnage and gut-spilling between alien and demon alike, Duke had attempted to make his escape with his Jet-Pack, flying upwards in a diagonal motion. Unfortunately, Doomguy turned his attention back to Duke Nukem and thwarted his plans, pulling his Super-Shotgun out and firing a massive shell, clipping Duke's Jet-Pack and some of his flesh, sending him plummeting to the ground with a partially damaged Jet-Pack.THUD!!!' Duke sat up, realizing he had flattened two aliens with his sheer muscle. He wiped the gore from his back, that stuck in an almost slimy sense, kicking the flattened toothpaste tube-like aliens to the side, their bodily parts having burst from their mouths.

Duke stretched, cracking his back, as he walked on.Where was Doomguy, Duke thought to himself before being slammed into the corpses of the smashed aliens by a hard boot. Struggling to get up, Duke saw Doomguy in his armor standing above him, with a gun ready at his head. Slowly, Duke found his head being submerged in alien gore, as Doomguy's boot pressed on even harder. The blood around Duke's face began to bubble as he was slowly beginning to lose his breath.

The gamey alien meet clogging his nostrils, a sour smell, as it protruded into his mouth, Duke began to fade away.Until he used his final breath to slam his wrist into Doomguy's nuts. Doomguy growled, hunched over, as he loosened his grip on Duke's now bruised back. Duke gasped, spitting out chunks of gamy alien blood, desperately blowing a Snot-Rocket of gore out of his nose. Doomguy held his ground, putting away the Super Shotgun.As Duke regained himself, while he slowly readied his Ripper Cannon, aiming directly at Doomguy. Meanwhile, Doomguy himself was pulling out his Chaingun. As they were both ready to shoot, they found each other looking eye-to-eye.

Doomguy grunting, while Duke was heavily breathing.' So.quite the stand-off.' Duke said while cocking the Ripper Cannon, before firing.Duly, Doomguy began to fire his rapidly shooting Chaingun, as they circled each other, mowing down nearby aliens and demonic beings alike. The aliens and demon's corpses began to form a ring around the two bloodied and berserk gunmen, each one firing at a rapid pace with no end in sight. They continued, until both realized they had yet to make a single hit on each other.Not one scratch.Annoyed, Doomguy turned around to see two people walking along the street, before promptly shoving his hands into either gut, and tearing their entrails out then and there like a sausage factory malfunction.' HOLY SHIT!!!'

Yelled Duke while Doomguy effortlessly tore the entrails from the two bystanders, forming the gushing and throbbing pink tubes of meat into a knot. Doomguy squeezed the sausage-like ropes of meat, before sending it around Duke's neck, knocking the cigar from his mouth, as he was sent tumbling to the ground.Kim and Kanye's shriveled, eviscerated bodies lay slumped over on their faces, while Doomguy began to pull Duke in, who in turn was struggling, and attempting to kick free from the entrails that formed a makeshift noose around his neck. Duke thrashed, until the entrails around his neck popped like a bloody, infected zit that had been festering within your face. Everywhere, bloody pulp and mush ittered the sidewalk, and along Doomguy's armor.Duke himself gripped onto the other end of the disgusting linked entrails, as he began to pull as well. The entrails knot was slowly becoming more and more worn out as both muscular soldiers pulled harder on the.rope? Duke grinned, as he began to pull Doomguy in, who in turn, pulled out his pistol.The pistol shot three small bullets that all directly made contact with the knot. In seconds, the entrails splattered along the street, giving off a foul odor of burning flesh, along with shriveled links of meat.

Doomguy simply sheathed the Pistol, while even Duke had to look down, lifting his sunglasses.' Now that's fucked up.' Duke muttered before sending his Pipe Bomb towards Doomguy. Duke began to run as the Pipe Bomb detonated, sending shrapnel into Doomguy's ribs, and arms, while sending the Demon-hunter into a nearby wall. Doomguy groaned, noticing Duke had used his jet-pack to land on the roof of a nearby building, in which Doomguy devised a plan to get up to the building without one.' Try to get me now, asshole!'

Duke called out from above as he set up the Laser Tripbeam, readying it, in case Doomguy would manage to get up to the building.' Oh, I'll get up there you dick, all I have to do is.RIP!' Doomguy yelled while tearing a demon in half. Doomguy roared while slamming two halves of the alien onto the ground. Doomguy bellowed, scraping the carcass under his boot.Doomguy began to round up hordes of dead aliens and demons alike, building a very rudimentary staircase in the process. Duke's jaw dropped as Doomguy had built a ramp of pure, dripping, gore, all to meet his opponent at the top of the ramp.

Doomguy vs duke nukem game

Duke began to run towards the 'staircase' if you will, stopping at the site of the ready Laser Tripbomb, ready to snag someones leg with the ready lasers.Doomguy made it to the top of the building, nearly slipping on a puddle of mushed up muscle and bodily organs. Doomguy set foot right next to the Laser Tripbomb, which, in turn, detonated, the laser shooting through Doomguy's leg, causing him to trip from the burning sensation.Doomguy clutched the one leg, a hole directly through his muscle, down to his bone. Doomguy gritted his teeth, slowly getting back up while looking Duke in the eye.

Duke had lit another cigar whilst waiting for Doomguy, with his arms up in a fighting stance. Doomguy's retaliation?Disappearing.' What.the.fu-'CRACK!Duke's words were interrupted by a hard punch to the back of his head. Duke quickly turned around, only to meet another hard hit to the cheek, knocking him back. Duke growled.only to receive, not one, but two punches to a certain sensitive spot. Duke coughed, dropping to his knees, before throwing up along the floor.Duke slowly stood up to see a very vague silhouette standing in front of him. Doomguy, he thought, giving the said silhouette a hard boot to the gut, deactivating the invisibility, much to Doomguy's annoyance.

Duke grinned, while cracking his knuckles. Meanwhile, Doomguy pulled out a nice chainsaw to counter.' How original bro.' Duke said while laughing, slowly moving towards Doomguy.' Doomguy simply stated with a pause, pulling out his Plasma Gun. To Duke's surprise, he simply shot the chainsaw with the said Plasma Gun, electrifying it.

Doomguy started up the chainsaw, as a large and very audible surge of electricity flowed through the Chainsaw.' Oh fuck this shit.' Duke replied, before jumping off the building, sliding down the.

Upon landing, Duke pulled out his RPG. Firing, the entire building and hill of corpses collapsed upon Doomguy, who was right in the middle of the crumbling building. Doomguy stood up, only to have the pile of bodies and gore fall on top of him, easily burying him under very gory debris.Grinning, Duke began to walk away slowly, hearing the final few rumbles of the falling building, Doomguy included. A feint noise of a running chainsaw was still heard. Duke attempted to ignore it, walking slightly faster, as the sound became more and more audible. Finally, very fast footsteps were heard, followed by Duke see an electrified chainsaw exit through his stomach, spearing him upwards.Duke grimaced in agony, fumbling for the only weapon that could end Doomguy's brutal assault on his abs. Looking for his Shrinker, Duke was driven into a nearby wall, wedged between a brutal chainsaw assault in his ribs and a brick wall.

Finally finding his Shrinker, Duke aimed with his last bit of energy.The attack hit, and soon both Doomguy and his Shrinker were mere ants in the ground. Doomguy looked around, and saw his chainsaw fall right next to him. Duke looked massive above him, with his boot ready to squish Doomguy. Doomguy sprinted, as he snatched his chainsaw before the boot could crush them both into dust, as he narrowly avoided the attack.Duke squinted down, seeing he had missed Doomguy by a mere inch.

Nearing closer to the ground, all he could hear was a very feint noise.' FUCK YOURSELF!!!'

Duke couldn't help but chuckle at the unintentionally comedic moment from Doomguy. In another second, Doomguy was gone, whereabouts unknown. Duke looked around, scanning the street, looking towards the crushed rubble. What emerged was a now normal sized Doomguy clutching a corpse, clotheslining Nukem with the bloody corpse.'

TRY TO SHRINK ME AGAIN ASSHOLE!!!' Yelled Doomguy, slamming the body on Duke, as the corpse exploded into a pile of mush upon contact with Duke.Duke blocked the last attack, booting Doomguy backwards, who in turn, also landed on his back. Reaching for the Devastator, Duke Nukem jumped back on both feet, readying the destructive weapon directly at Doomguy's body. Doomguy noticed the large weapon aimed at him, and in retaliation, Doomguy sprinted away at full speed, the tables being turned against him.Doomguy dodged the massive blasts from the Devastator, while Duke fired. Doomguy weaved through the blasts from The Devastator, turning the corner at the end of the street. Doomguy continued to sprint, mowing down demons and aliens alike with his sheer momentum. Doomguy turned the corner of the street once more, before picking up even more speed, until turning to deliver a punch directly to the back of Duke's head.To say Duke Nukem was launched from the blow was an understatement.

Across an entire block, Duke was sent flying, flailing his arms, passing an entire block before landing on two civilians, crushing them and killing them instantly. Duke groaned, as he slowly got up, cracking his back and neck, before slowly getting up.' Sorry 'bout that guys.' Duke jokingly said to the two dead civilians under him. Doomguy sprinted up to Duke, pointing at the alarming numbers of aliens and demons literally packing through the streets, all lined up like an angry mob and moshpit full of demons and aliens, stacking up over each other, nearly as tall as the buildings.Doomguy and Duke looked at each other as a sign of mutual temporary truce, before pulling out their pistols, ready to fire.Doomguy quickly shot the eyes of a nearby demon, popping both of them, as the creature tumbled over another horde of nearby aliens of all sizes. Duke evaded a few shots, as he unleashed a flurry of bullets at the aliens who fired prior. The aliens soon found themselves littered with bullet-holes, as they all gave out a final spasm before collapsing in a pool of their own blood.Doomguy and Duke were back to back, attempting to shoot down every last one of the aliens and demons.

There were still humans running around, as a demon quickly stomped on a mans skull, crushing it like a bony and bloody grape. A woman was picked up by an alien, and swiftly torn apart by a number of other aliens and demons taking notice of her.Duke noticed how Doomguy was paying no attention to him, so he quickly thought of a plan.

Incapacitate Doomguy and run off, letting Doomguy act as bait until he was torn apart by the aliens and demons. Run back to the Oprah Winfrey set, get the babes, and run. Perfect, Duke thought, as he pulled out his Freezethrower.' Hey bro, you wait here, I'll go get some more back-up, so for the while, just chill-out!' Duke yelled, while coating Doomguy's left foot in ice, courtesy of the Freezethrower, before sprinting away.' Doomguy roared, noticing a massive horde of demons and aliens literally stacked upon each other, it was too much for even him. Doomguy had one option, and that was to run, which is a bit of a challenge when your foot is frozen.Doomguy pulled out his Plasma Gun once more, and swiftly shot his own foot directly off.

Doomguy nearly winced at the sight of his left foot sliding across the paved street, but, he was free from the ice. Doomguy noticed the massive horde advancing on him, so in retaliation, he began to sprint, or limp, away, at an alarming speed.Duke was still running, he knew the horde was getting bigger, and he had to be clear of the horde in order to use his Freezethrower and live. The consequence to a Freezethrower to the horde, is the flood of gore that would ensue quickly after. Meanwhile, Doomguy grabbed a large alien that consisted of a floating brain, and tendrils, before slamming it into a sharp rock, and chasing after Duke.Doomguy avoided putting too much weight on his leg, mainly hopping with occasional support on his path to finding Duke. Soon, he noticed Duke up ahead and began to pick up speed. Duke noticed Doomguy, and attempted to run even faster, but it was no use as Doomguy was far quicker, slamming the alien into Duke's head.Duke quickly shook the bloody alien off of his head, and noticed the stub where Doomguy's left foot once stood. Pulling out his Freezethrower, Duke leaned back, and fired a large beam of ice at the incoming horde of aliens, encasing the massive mob that stacked and climbed over each other, into a massive block of ice that extended for at least two blocks, and two stories high.'

Whatever you do.don't shoot or hit that block of ice.' Duke choked out, as Doomguy looked over him.

Doomguy shrugged, pulling out his pistol, all while Duke rushed to stop him. Doomguy clocked Duke in between the eyes, knocking the Alien Hunter onto his ass, while Doomguy fired a pistol shot at the block of ice, which immediately began to crack. It should be noted that the two were rather close to the ice block itself, only about twenty feet away.' YOU DUMB-FU-'SWOOSH!!!A literal tsunami of gore collided with both Doomguy and Duke, launching them in a street's length river of pure blood that at least reached ten feet high.

Doomguy was swept off first, sent floating down the street, with Duke being hit head-on, blasting him back with a cascade of liquefied meat.Doomguy resurfaced immediately, swimming along the tide of pure red. Duke also resurfaced, and realized how far they were moving, they had nearly passed about three blocks, as humans, demons, and aliens that weren't frozen, were being swept along the blood-soaked street.Finally, the wave began to cease, as Doomguy and Duke landed on both feet, while the other unlucky swimmers skidded across the concrete. Doomguy was barely standing on both feet, his left foot still a stub, while Duke spat out a red chunk of meat from his mouth, and clutched his wounded stomach.Duke made no hesitation, pulling out his Shrinker as he charged at Doomguy, who in turn, pulled out his Super Shotgun. Doomguy fired a massive slug that blew off nearly half of Duke's right leg, sending it sliding along the street, causing Duke Nukem to fall back with a yell of pain.Duke's arms quivered, as he raised his Shrinker and shrunk the Shotgun down to the size of a toy. Doomguy quickly stepped on it, showing how little he cared about losing the weapon. Instead, he pulled out his Chainsaw, and slowly began to saw off Duke's other leg.

Duke roared out in pain, aiming his Shrinker, but narrowly missing Doomguy's head.Doomguy finished sawing off Duke's leg, who in turn, was struggling to break away from the attack. His leg fell limp, unattached, as Duke had no means of escaping. Doomguy readied his chainsaw upwards, preparing to saw down on Duke, but luckily, Duke hit the chainsaw directly with his Shrinker, shrinking it down to size as it fell into his wounded stomach.At first, Duke felt relieved, until he realized he made a grave mistake.The Chainsaw was going to regrow in his body.Duke began to frantically dig into his wound, shoveling out chunks of meat, attempting to find a miniature Chainsaw lodged in his ribs. His digging was interrupted by the thunderous roar of a regrown Chainsaw grinding the insides of his body into mere shreds. Duke screamed, the chainsaw snagging his stomach, intestines, and one of his lungs, ripping it to shreds.Meanwhile, Doomguy snatched Duke's Microwave Expander, and prodded the odd gun into Duke's head.

Duke felt a horrid pain clog throughout his entire head, feeling it expand throughout his skull, brain, eye-sockets, and throat. Duke began to choke on the slight rush of blood trickling throughout his mouth, as he saw Doomguy pull out the Microwave Expander.' GO FUCK-'Yes.yesss.I-I-I know.f-f-f-uck myself.' Duke croaked, before his head burst like a popped balloon. Talk about an inflated ego, Doomguy thought to himself, as it began to rain blood from the sky, due to Duke's head popping into thin air, leaving only brain matter and blood to drip back down.Doomguy saw Duke Nukem's shriveled headless carcass, as he pulled out the BFG9000 and fired. Within seconds, Duke's torso and arms were melted down into legitimate mush, spreading across the street like a lard-like jam being spread across toast. Doomguy simply shrugged, as he snatched up Duke's legs and walked into a nearby DukeBurger.Doomguy kicked open the door with his bloody stub, and set Duke's legs on the front counter.'

I'd like these legs deep fried.' Doomguy simply stated. The cashier noticed the guns holstered to his side, so he merely nodded and gulped, snatching the two legs, and following Doomguy's orders.-30 Minutes LaterDoomguy walked out with a paper bag, throwing fried pieces of meat that were once Duke's legs into the hordes of demons and aliens, which quickly snagged the pieces of meat. The bag quickly became emptier, as Doomguy swiftly tossed the remnants into the hordes of fighting and skirmishing creatures. The aliens and demons all looked towards Doomguy, who in turn, pulled out his BFG9000 once more.' BRING IT ASSHOLES!!!'

K.O!!!Roy: Well I'm never eating fast food again.Ivan looks down at his Dukeburger, as his hands begin to quiver and tremble.Ivan: Get. Please.Roy: First, why Doomguy won.Xl: For starters, his armor. It protected him from the brunt of Duke's arsenal, save for a few exceptions, and it could render many of Duke's attacks useless.Ivan: And.Duke has no armor to speak of.

Perhaps something personal? As the piano transforms the energy of the orchestral theme, the orchestra follows along with both the sighing and sweeping gestures, creating an achingly beautiful tapestry:We’ll never really know why Mozart chose such a tormented sound for this movement. Eschenbach mozart piano torrent Listen carefully to the balance of the orchestral families, creating beauty so effortlessly:The three families—winds, strings and solo piano—support each other and eventually lament together.

Doomguy's punches could hurt him.Roy: Doomguy easily takes the Speed Category as well, and add in an arsenal that has better range, and we have our winner between these two 90's icons.Xl: Our winner is Doomguy.Doomguy+Faster, much faster+Better ranged arsenal for the most part+The more brutal combatant+Superior Defense=Strength was basically equal-Limited Close RangeDuke Nukem+Could match Doomguy's Strength+More varied arsenal of weapons+More Self Confidence-Ego was his downfall.a lot-Even more limited close range wise-No allEpilogueDoomguy finished them all off. Every single alien, and every last demon that didn't retreat, now made a nice foundation to the mountain of corpses that rivaled the U.S Bank Tower.L.A's formerly tallest building. Doomguy sat up on top, with Duke's cigar in his mouth, looking over the ruined L.A.

He had fashioned a prosthetic with various bones of aliens, making a pretty decent replacement. Extinguishing his cigar, Doomguy slid down the gargantuan mountain of bodies, until he reached the bottom.A job well done, he thought as he began to walk away, while putting his stained helmet back on. Passing the Oprah Winfrey Show's now ruined set, something caught his eye. Both of Duke's babes were waiting outside the crushed building, looking for Duke. Doomguy turned over, facing them both, before pointing at them, and back at himself a few times, before giving the notion of, 'Wanna come with me?' Both of the babes looked at each other, and shrugged, before catching up with Doomguy, one around either shoulder.

They began to walk away, before getting interrupted by a crazed Oprah Winfrey, who was jumping out of the rubble.' You're gonna get laid! You are gonna get laid! Everyone's gonna get laid!!!' She yelled, waving both arms in the air, before collapsing on the ground, dead.

Aaaaahhh, seeing that outdated, one-liner regurgitating, piece of shit 90's reject get absolutely demolished in the goriest fashion by the Doomguy is so gratifying! Indeed, this victory felt as foregone as a comparison between Duke Nukem Forever and DOOM 2016, and just as satisfying to boot.The craziness and one-liner action was pretty cool, and seeing someone as dead serious as Doomguy fight a smug prick like Duke was great fun.Hmm. Wonder what kind of banter would we have gotten between Doomguy from that comic and Duke?Or even the silent protagonist Doomslayer? It'd be nice to see trhe cntrast between Duke being a loud, but shallow character, while Doomslayer shows more emotion with less words.But I digress. Fun gunfight!

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