Fallout New Vegas Join Ncr


Leads to:Detailed walkthroughAfter completing the first two NCR quests, ( and ), head to and talk to.The Great KhansThe are a group of violent and tough raiders that have a grudge against the. The can get them to cooperate by simply offering a truce to them.Colonel Moore will ask the Courier to destroy the Great Khans. One may accept the task, or reject it and take a more diplomatic approach.Following this conversation, travel to the Great Khans' base in then enter the, which is up a cliff on the right, and is the only non-tent building.From here one can attack Papa Khan in the longhouse.

Technically, no, you can't join the Rangers, becasue the Rangers don't have their own faction. The Rangers joined up with the NCR several years prior to the game, and are merely an elite member of the NCR. Kinda like the US Army Rangers. They're a subgroup of the Army, but are not a seperate branch of the military. Fallout 4 New Vegas is aiming to rebuild the entire New Vegas experience in Fallout 4's Creation Engine. You'll once again be able to explore the Mojave, visit the town of Goodsprings, take part in the second Battle of Hoover Dam & experience content which was cut from the original.

The other Khans present will become hostile. The Courier must then kill at least 15 other Great Khans to complete the quest.Alternatively, complete (this option is not available if you completed Oh My Papa before starting For the Republic, Part 2; see ).

Speak to Papa Khan in the longhouse, then talk to, who is sitting next to him. After speaking to him inside the building, go outside, and he will accost the player character, telling them that if they can convince influential members of the Great Khans to break the alliance with Caesar, they may convince Papa Khan to do so. Accepting his offer begins the quest. Another resolution to Oh My Papa involves assassinating Papa Khan. The player character will need to talk to Colonel Moore first before doing this.After either killing all the Khans or completing Oh My Papa, return to Colonel Moore and inform her that the Khans are either destroyed, moving out of the Mojave, planning a suicide mission during the final battle, or willing to ally with the NCR.If the Great Khans agree to help the NCR and one has not spoken to Colonel Moore about it, then the Khans and NCR may fight each other.Completing this portion of the quest will earn the Courier Legion infamy, although possibly not enough to be demoted to shunned status.

It will also initiate the quest.The OmertasThis portion of the quest leads the player character through, Colonel Moore will inform the Courier about the and sends them to find out why they have been so silent lately. (If the player character is traveling with a companion and they bring them into Gomorrah or leave them outside, they will lose the weapons carried after exiting)CachinoSecretary at the NCR Embassy will direct the player character to see the. From here, one must speak to the receptionist, then to.

After speaking with him, the Courier must find information to use against him.can be pickpocketed from him with a high-enough (or using a ). The journal can also be taken from Cachino's desk in his room in the. By talking to the receptionist, one may obtain a to Cachino's room for a fee of 300, free with a check of 8, or 200 caps with a Barter check of 55.Confront about the journal's contents.

He will tell the Courier information about the Omertas and recommend that they speak to. By passing a check of 60, one can convince Cachino to pay 200 caps. (The player character can tell Cachino to pay 100 caps in addition, afterward.)If the first leg of the quest is bypassed (by talking to secretary Liza O'Malley) and speaks to the receptionist directly, a bug may be introduced making it impossible to complete this quest.

However, this can be countered by killing Clanden, or by talking to Colonel Moore who will ask about the Courier's progress with the Omertas. Finding out what Clanden specializes in is a non optional objective after talking to Cachino, killing him fails the quest How Little We Know but allows this quest to progress.TroikeSpeak to and mention Cachino. From here convince Troike to help take down the Omertas.

If the player character can pass a 80, he can to Troike to convince him (this will cause a loss of Karma). Troike will tell the player that he cannot help until his debt is settled with Big Sal.

By a check of 45, or a, Big Sal can convinced to settle the debt. Another option is to go to in the and hack either the terminal, or pick the lock on the safe. The password to Big Sal's terminal can be pickpocketed from him.Eventually, Troike will suggest using to destroy the Omertas' weapons cache. By passing a Speech check of 70, the Courier can convince Troike to plant the thermite. He will succeed, but he is caught by the Omertas and is killed, otherwise Troike will give the thermite to the player character to plant themselves.

The thermite is ignited using the detonator on the wall near the door to the weapons cache.Once this has been done, return to Cachino to report the destruction of the weapons.The BossesThe Courier will now be informed that they will have to 'deal with' the bosses of Gomorrah. By passing a check of 80, the player character can convince Cachino to take care of the bosses himself, otherwise, the player character will be supplied a to aid Cachino in a battle against the bosses.Alternatively, by passing a Speech check and then lying, the player can convince the bosses to attack each other. Once the bosses have been dealt with, return to Moore.Notes. Completing this part of the questline will cause, and to fail. If the Omerta leaders were killed during, this part of the quest can be avoided.

If the Omertas have already been aided in their plan, there is a Speech check to lie to Moore and tell her that the Omertas plan to attack. If one is unwilling to do this quest, simply kill Big Sal and/or Nero. This will complete this portion of For The Republic and award 275 XP. Return to Colonel Moore and lie about the Omertas plans (70 Speech).

Be warned that all the Omerta thugs will turn hostile and attack the player. The bartenders and gamblers will also turn hostile, but they won't attack unless they are hit, instead they simply run around trying to hide. Killing the will award good Karma to the Courier while killing the gamblers, bartenders or the prostitutes will award bad Karma and also Strip infamy.Mr. HouseColonel Moore will advise the Courier that she wants out of the picture.Return to and take the elevator to the penthouse level, then use a terminal to the left of Mr.

House to open the antechamber. To do this the player character will need 75 Science, the (which can be found on Chief Hanlon's desk in or in ), or the. Doing so will result in all the Securitrons in Mr.

House's suite becoming hostile. Upon completing this task will cause the quest to fail. However, if The House Always Wins II or beyond has been completes, then one elects to kill Mr. House for the sake of the For the Republic questline, Do not interact with Jane or Mr.

Fallout New Vegas Join Ncr Mod

House himself at any point before opening the antechamber door. Otherwise, NCR Infamy will be awarded. This can potentially cause For the Republic and Don't Tread on the Bear to fail. If the player character is fast enough they don't need to deal with the Securitrons. Also, once inside the antechamber, the terminal at the back on the right will allow one to perform a Security Override rendering the securitrons non-hostile.Enter the antechamber, and activate the terminal near the elevator to unlock the elevator to the control room. Activate the terminal in the control room, and choose to 'Unseal LS chamber' to expose Mr.

House's body. Go behind the terminal and speak with Mr. HouseReturn to the control room terminal and select an option. Doing so will result in failing, and all options result in Negative Karma:. Disable Cerebral Interface: disconnect Mr. House, but keep him alive.

Fallout New Vegas Cheats

Kill Mr. House (note that if the player has the installed, doing this with a or will award 500 additional XP.)Take the elevator back to Mr. House's suite and return to Moore at the Hoover Dam. The Courier will receive 200 and gain NCR (The securitrons will no longer attack upon returning to the penthouse).Brotherhood of SteelTravel to the at. From here there are two routes, depending on the player characters reputation with the Brotherhood of Steel.Positive reputation with the Brotherhood of Steel. If has been completed, the Courier stayed on good terms with the Brotherhood, and remains Elder, a truce can be signed between the Brotherhood and the NCR.

Go to McNamara and tell him the NCR wants them destroyed, he will then offer a truce. Return to Colonel Moore and speak to her about the offered truce.

Doing so will complete the quest and begin, but will earn the player minor with the NCR. This method should work if the player character has completed all main BoS quests as well. Note: If one chooses to help usurp McNamara, they will be unable to broker a treaty.It is possible that the player character will not be able to initiate dialogue with Elder McNamara if one is in between Still in the Dark. If this is the case one may need to exit the bunker and wait 2–3 days in order to be able to get any other dialogue than McNamara being 'too busy to talk'.No previous reputation with the Brotherhood of SteelIf the Courier has not interacted with the Brotherhood of Steel, they must go through an orientation by convincing, a ranger in an adjacent bunker to leave, or enter the bunker with in their party. Alternatively, if one wishes to avoid going through the orientation to convince Dobson to leave, walk into the Brotherhood of Steel bunker, the doors will open. At this point, back up.

As the Brotherhood of Steel member slowly walks toward the player character, it is possible to walk around the very large crates in the room and avoid talking to him. Then, walk straight down to the bunker. The Courier will still be confronted by the next knight however, but they will have all their gear and companions. Choosing to fight him will be easy if one has two companions. Here it is possible to hack the terminal, making the turrets attack the BoS.

Proceed to finish the rest of the BoS and take the keycards from 3 members (,.) This will allow the player character to set the bunker to explode (the knights who were supposed to be confronted, but avoided by going around the crates will no longer be outside when escaping). Killing the first knight along with others is also an option, albeit more challenging.Waiting until late at night will cause several Brotherhood paladins to spawn at which point a player character with even a moderately high Sneak skill can pick one of the paladins' pockets to acquire a to the bunker (no Karma loss will be suffered).

Which Fallout New Vegas Faction Would You Belong To?. by. – on Sep 01st. inOne of the most interesting things about Fallout: New Vegas is the faction system.

Each faction represents a radically different philosophy, and there is something there for every single person who plays this game. The NCR are a large group of people who want to restore the rule of law and a functioning government back to America. House is concerned with the progress of humanity, most notably in the areas of science and technological innovation. Caesar's Legion wants to turn the wasteland into a vastly different place, and is willing to do whatever it takes to do this, although they claim that in the end their lands will be free from greed and corruption. And even if you don't agree with anyone, you can still ally with the Yes Man, who basically lets you do whatever you want.The faction you ended up picking during your playthrough might not necessarily be the one you agree with.

Sometimes we pick the faction we think we like, rather than the one that meshes best with our personality. But this personality quiz will show you which faction lines up the most with your personal beliefs. And you might be surprised at the result. ProgressThe Rule Of LawPersonal FreedomObedience From OthersWhen choosing a faction in Fallout: New Vegas, it's important to consider what you really value in life.

This will be a big factor in which side you take. Do you value your own personal freedom, and hate having others tell you what to do?

Or do you value total obedience, and being in a society where there is no room for negotiation? Maybe you value democracy and the rule of law above all other values. Or maybe you just want to see the human race make progress. Question 2 What Type Of Government Do You Like The Most? DemocracyAnarchyMonarchyDictatorshipWhen you're picking a faction in Fallout: New Vegas, it's also important to figure out what kind of government you want to take over the Mojave Wasteland and the New Vegas strip once all the fighting is over. It's an interesting dilemma, because this post-nuclear scenario is one of the few situations where you might have a clean slate to start over in terms of government. Democracy is pretty entrenched in our world, but in the Fallout universe there are opportunities to try new things.

Question 3 What Is Your Weapon Of Choice? My Trusty Assault RifleMy Good Old-Fashioned MacheteI'll Choose Whatever Weapon I Want, Depending On The SituationAn Advanced Prototype Energy WeaponAnother major choice when it comes to playing Fallout: New Vegas is your weapon of choice. Everyone who's ever played this game has a favorite weapon - that special gun or blade that you pull out as your last resort, or to finish your opponents off in style. There are tons of choices here, and what kind of weapon you choose really says a lot about your personality. Part of the joy of Fallout is being able to kill your enemies in a myriad of different ways. Question 4 What Would You Do If A Wasteland Town Was Refusing To Follow Your Orders? Crucify The Men, Sell The Women And Children Into SlaveryImpose Tariffs And Forcibly Conscript Them Into Your ArmyLeave Them Alone - They're Just Savages In The WastelandWhatever I Damn Well Feel Like DoingBeing in charge of a stretch of land as big as the Mojave desert is all well and good in theory, but what happens when people start rebelling against you?

You need to set an example and show others that questioning you is a bad idea, but how far will you go? Will you utterly destroy them, making other people fear you? Or will you simply leave them alone and not worry about them? Alternatively, you could bully them into doing what you want them to do without actually causing them physical harm. Question 5 What Type Of Symbol Would You Want To Put On Your Flag? A BullA Two-Headed BearA Big Picture Of Me Giving The Thumbs UpFlags Are Primitive Relics Of The PastFlags say a lot about the societies they represent. Flags are often very symbolic of the philosophies of the people who created them.

Certain animals, for example, represent different things. Flags are common in Fallout: New Vegas, and when you see one you know that you're in the territory of a faction. Flags can either be a welcoming sign or a warning. Given the choice, a lot of us would make some interesting choices if we could pick our own flags. Question 6 What Is The Most Important Project To Undertake?

Widespread ConquestA Railroad For Increased TradeA Space ProgramDaily All You Can Eat Buffets Made Only For YouLet's say you managed to take control of the Mojave Wasteland and all the things in it. Now you have the power to do anything. So what projects do you undertake? Would you create something that would benefit all of the people in your society? Would you undertake a project that would win you even more power? Would you turn your gaze to the stars, and do something that would take humanity forward? Or would you do something that would serve only yourself?

The answer is up to you. Question 7 Where Would You Put Your Base? At The Top Of The Best Casino In The StripAn Abandoned AirportA Highly Defensible Position On High Ground, Surrounded By WaterI Would Take Over Someone Else's Base - Whichever One I Liked The MostWhen establishing your rule over the Mojave Wasteland, a big decision is where to put your base.

This place has to be pretty defensible, as people will know that's where you live and they might try to attack you. There will be a lot of people who will probably try to seize power from you, although this depends on how much people hate you.

This choice says a lot about you and how much you value a military advantage over the luxury of living in a nice place. Question 8 How Do You Propose Dealing With The Brotherhood Of Steel? Kill Them All - It's The Only WayEither Destroy Them Or Spare Them - Just No TrucesForm A Truce With ThemLeave Them AloneThe Brotherhood Of Steel is a major faction in Fallout: New Vegas, but they're quite small in comparison to other games. They are hopelessly outnumbered by the NCR, who are their enemies. So they pretty much confine themselves to a small bunker hidden in the Mojave.

What to do about them is a major decision in the story, depending on which faction you decide to join. Each faction has their own opinion about how to deal with them.

But what will you choose? Question 9 What Would You Do About A Rampaging Group Of Raiders? Forcibly Absorb Them Into Your ArmyCompletely Destroy ThemLeave Them To Their Barbaric Ways Unless They Cross Into Your BordersSee If You Can Do Any Missions With ThemThere are tons of rampaging groups of raiders in the Mojave wasteland, and they're one of the most common groups of people to fight as a player.

From the strangely dressed Fiends to the drug-dealing Great Khans, there are many dangerous groups of these armed bandits. They pretty much only want to rob, kill and loot. So the decision of what to do about them is a major decision. Do you see them as potential warriors for your army?

Or do you want to simply destroy them? Question 10 What Is The Most Valuable Commodity In Your Ideal Society?

SlavesMoneyTechnologyCapsAs the leader of the Mojave wasteland, you have tons of freedom to acquire whatever riches you desire (or at least try to). But what would you try to acquire? Would you concentrate on amassing huge amounts of money by increasing trade? Or would you start to enslave people and use that as your most important form of currency?

Or maybe you would concentrate solely on developing and acquiring new and advanced forms of technology? The decision is up to you. Question 11 What Are Your Preferred Military Tactics? Advanced Robot Warrior AssaultOverwhelming Numbers Of Badly Trained, Ill-Equipped TroopsHighly Organized Brutal Warriors With MachetesJust Wing It - If We Don't Know What We're Doing, The Enemy Sure As Hell Doesn't EitherConflict is inevitable in the world of Fallout New Vegas.

The Mojave Wasteland is a dangerous place. As the iconic Fallout line goes: 'War. War never changes.'

And the Mojave Wasteland is full of dangerous things like raiders, deathclaws, and malfunctioning robots. But there are actually much greater threats in the Mojave. War is coming to the wasteland. And you have to pick sides. But when war comes, which tactics will you use? How will you win?

Question 12 What Type Of Armor Would You Choose? Advanced Power ArmorRanger ArmorLightweight Armor Made To Intimidate Your OpponentWhatever Looks The CoolestIt's quite easy to see which faction certain NPCs belong to in Fallout: New Vegas.

All you need to do is look at their armor. This makes sense from a game developer's point of view because you need to be able to see if someone is your enemy at first glance. But the style of each faction also impacts your choice of who you join. A lot of people join whatever faction they think looks the coolest. But others choose the armor with the best protection, or the type that fits their play style. Question 13 Which Real Leader Do You Admire The Most? Genghis KhanHillary ClintonHoward HughesMyselfThere are a lot of similarities between the various leaders of New Vegas and the leaders of the real world.

Many of the leaders were clearly based on real people, and some are extremely obvious. Others are more subtle. But the game clearly gives you these recognizable figures as an attempt to make your choice easier. Some of these factions are corrupt, which draws obvious comparisons to politicians we know all too well even today. But which leader do you admire the most? Question 14 What Part Of Pre-War Society Do You Miss The Most?

Higher TechnologyA Functioning GovernmentThe Glorious Roman EmpireFast FoodWhile we as players love to visit the universe of Fallout, the people living in it live a pretty grim life. All of the luxuries and things we take for granted in our world are gone. Although the world of Fallout takes place hundreds of years after the bombs fall, people are aware that the pre-war world was probably a lot better than the one they live in now. And it seems like each faction in Fallout: New Vegas wants to restore one part of pre-war society into their own vision. But what do you miss the most? Question 15 You Want To Build A Railroad Through Small Town But They Don't Want It.

How Do You Proceed? Hold It To A Vote Throughout The Whole Surrounding AreaCrush All Opposition Through Military MeansBuild An Advanced Monorail OVER The Town InsteadTalk Them Into Paying You Not To Build It, Then Build It AnywayEach faction would deal with different situations in different ways. What happens when people disagree with what you want to do? How do you convince them that your ideas are the best for them? Do you even try to convince them? Or do you just crush them completely, and let them be an example for the next group of people that decides to oppose you?

Maybe there's a more imaginative solution where both parties can win. Question 16 How Would You Punish A Subordinate? Set Them On Fire And Throw Them Off A CliffCourt Martial ThemExile ThemMake Them Carry All The GearHaving people who will respond to your beck and call is all very well and good, but what happens if they choose to disobey you, or fail to do what you ask them to?

There have been notable examples of this happening in every faction throughout New Vegas, and each faction has a slightly different way of dealing with it. One faction might deal with the subordinate incredibly harshly, while another might go through the normal system of trial and punishment. Question 17 How Would You Send A Message To Your Subjects If You Ruled New Vegas? Write It In Your Enemy's Blood On A Huge MuralBlare It Out On Loudspeakers Throughout Your SettlementGive A Rousing SpeechWhat Message? You Think I Have A Plan?One of the most difficult things about running a society is spreading your message. Communication is the most important thing in any society - without it the people are isolated and disjointed. You must let the people feel like they are part of something if you want your rule to work out.

So how would you send a message to your society? Word of mouth?

Would you give a speech? Maybe you would rather try something a little more elaborate. Question 18 What Do You Think The Role Of Women Should Be In Your Ideal Society. Their Only Purpose Is To Bear ChildrenThey Should Be Conscripted Into The Military Just Like MenThey Should Be Free To Do Whatever They WantDepends On What They Have To OfferWomen play a huge role in the society of Fallout New Vegas.

After all, they make up roughly half of the population of the Mojave wasteland. They are seen as raiders, traders, settlers, strippers, and even members of the Brotherhood Of Steel. It's clear that women are making do in a post-nuclear world just as well as men are.

But various factions have differing ideas about what role women should play in their societies. Some believe in equality, while others have very different ideas. Question 19 You Manage To Get A Power Station Running Again. Where Do You Reroute The Power? You Distribute It Equally Across The Mojave WastelandYou Reroute It Only To The New Vegas StripYou Halt All Power Unless The Surrounding Settlements Offer Slaves In ReturnYou Use The Power As A Bargaining ChipPower is something that we take for granted in today's world. In the post-nuclear universe of Fallout, not many people have access to reliable energy, and electricity is seen as somewhat of a luxury. But there are a few power stations scattered throughout New Vegas, and some people are lucky enough to get access to power.

But the for the factions of the Mojave, power is something that is fought and squabbled over. What they do with that power is a different matter altogether. Question 20 You Decide To Create Your Own Form Of Currency.

Fallout new vegas ncr soldier

What Does It Look Like? Paper Money With Pictures Of Leaders On ItI Have No Interest In Money - Let The Primitives Squabble Over It ThemselvesMetal Coins In The Style Of OldBottle CapsCurrency is another important thing in most societies.

Of course, much of the financial transactions in post-nuclear America happen through trade alone, but a universal form of currency is sometimes necessary. Most of the time, the residents of the Mojave use bottle caps for this purpose, but a some of the factions have started to introduce their own forms of currency to rival that of the time-honored bottle cap. But what kind of currency would you choose? Question 21 You Fall Ill And Are In Danger Of Losing Your Leadership Position.

What Do You Do? Hide Your Illness From Your Subjects As Best As Possible - It's A Sign Of WeaknessPut Your Body Into Stasis And Integrate With A Supercomputer, Thereby Extending Your LifespanGet Medical Services From Questionable State-Sponsored HealthcareCraft A Cure And A Few Chems While You're At ItSickness in the wasteland is a lot more common than one might think. And the consequences of illness are a lot more severe. Most of the time, illnesses and injuries that would be a simple fix in our world are a death sentence in the wasteland. There's just not that level of medical infrastructure anymore. Besides a few wasteland doctors scattered throughout the Mojave, you might have to entrust your medical care to the the questionable services of an autodoc.

But what would you choose? Question 22 What Would You Do To A Man Who Stole Something Valuable From You? Fight Him In The Arena With MachetesBring Him Back To Society To Stand TrialQuestion Him On The Location Of The Stolen Item - Then Let The Bandits Have HimSneak A Grenade Into His Pocket. Reap The RewardsOne of the biggest choices in the story of Fallout: New Vegas is what to do when you finally catch up with the guy who shot you in the head and left you for dead. Not only that, but he also stole something of immense value from you. What would you do to a man who had done something like this to you? The answer is very indicative of your personality, and how forgiving you are.

Truth be told, there's only really one outcome to this situation. But what would you do? Question 23 What Would You Do If You Found A Group Of Drug Dealing Raiders In The Wasteland? Let Them Be - But Don't Let Them Anywhere Near The StripForcibly Absorb Them Into Your Fighting Force And Halt All Drug ProductionDestroy Them Completely - They're A Threat To SocietyHelp Them And Ask For A CutDrug use is a pretty prevalent thing in the Mojave wasteland. Chems are found throughout the wasteland, and it's even possible for players to get addicted to certain drugs. These drugs give certain combat benefits, but it's up to the player to decide whether it's worth it to get addicted to them. Chems are also a big part of trading in the Mojave, with many people trading and dealing in chems.

But one faction, called the Great Khans, is famous for this practice. What would you to a group like this? Question 24 What Would You Do If You Found A Group Of Drug Dealing Raiders In The Wasteland?

Let Them Be - But Don't Let Them Anywhere Near The StripForcibly Absorb Them Into Your Fighting Force And Halt All Drug ProductionDestroy Them Completely - They're A Threat To SocietyHelp Them And Ask For A CutDrug use is a pretty prevalent thing in the Mojave wasteland. Chems are found throughout the wasteland, and it's even possible for players to get addicted to certain drugs. These drugs give certain combat benefits, but it's up to the player to decide whether it's worth it to get addicted to them. Chems are also a big part of trading in the Mojave, with many people trading and dealing in chems.

But one faction, called the Great Khans, is famous for this practice. What would you to a group like this? Question 25 How Large Of An Area Would You Ideally Like To Control? The Entire WorldAll Of AmericaJust The Vegas Strip - Leave The Wasteland To The SavagesI Don't Want To Control AnythingEach faction has pretty differing ideas about what kind of area they would like to control.

One faction pretty much lives for conquest, so they would basically never be satisfied, no matter how many tribes they conquered and lands they occupied. Another faction only cares about technology and thinks they have what it takes to make the Mojave theirs. Another says they're all about peace, order, and equality and just want to protect what they already have.

What about you? Question 26 What Degree Of Surveillance Do You Think The Population Should Be Subjected To?

As Much Surveillance As PossibleA Reasonable Amount - Keep An Eye On The People But Not Too MuchA Small Amount - I Trust That People Are Too Afraid To Break The LawThere Should Be No SurveillanceAn interesting difference between the various factions of Fallout: New Vegas is the degree to which they watch over their population. In today's world, mass surveillance is a very heated issue. Are we comfortable with 'big brother' watching our every move, both in the physical world and the virtual world? This is a question the factions of the Mojave have asked themselves, and they've come to some pretty clear decisions. But what level of surveillance do you agree with? Question 27 What Is The Best Way To Protect A Population?

By Ruling Over Them With An Iron FistThe Rule Of Law And Democracy With Widespread TroopsA Small Population In A Walled Off RegionI Have No Interest In Protecting The PopulationIn order to have a functioning society, the population must feel like it's being adequately protected. Your leadership is meaningless if you can't protect your people.

Sometimes your mouse starts scrolling by itself, which makes you feel very annoyed and confused. This issue is usually associated with a wireless mouse, but can also affect a USB or laptop touchpad. A wireless mouse tends to scroll the pages when the batteries are weak. Scrolling If your computer has started scrolling on its own, it could prevent you from performing the simplest tasks. Weak batteries in a wireless mouse can cause unpredictable effects, including unexplained scrolling. Observe your typing habits to ensure that you are not accidentally pressing the “Page Up” or “Page Down” keys. This will make sure your computer goes back to the regular startup. Second, The active window itself is scrolling down endlessly correct. Aug 30, 2010 - I have scanned my computer with multiple anti-virus programs but no. The new driver might well correct the drift on its own without having to. Oct 3, 2017 - Uninstall it and then restart your computer. It was the page down button!!!!! It seems it was pressing itself or maybe something is stuck under it.

When people feel unsafe, they're more likely to rebel. So how would you go about protecting the citizens of the Mojave desert? Some factions only worry about protecting a small section of the land and population, but do so with overwhelming force. Others spread their soldiers throughout the land.

What would you do? Question 28 What Would A Subordinate Have To Do In Order To Earn A Promotion? Prove His Ability On The BattlefieldFollow Orders And Turn A Blind Eye To Corruption When NeededI Prefer To Deal With Robots, Not HumansThey Would Have To Be Entertaining SomehowAs a leader, you can't do it alone. You're going to need some people around you that you can trust, and for this you need to promote those who have wormed their way into your good books. But according to you, what would it take for one of your subordinates to earn a promotion? Would the decision be based solely on military ability and combat brutality?

Or would the decision be based more on politics? Some wouldn't even trust humans at all. What would do you think? Question 29 How Would You Keep An Eye On People?

Secretly Watch People Using Robots And Other TechnologyUse Spies To Infiltrate Every Nook And Cranny Of The MojaveI Wouldn'tI Would Rely On The Reports Of My SoldiersWe've already talked about the issue of surveillance in the Mojave wasteland. But how exactly would you go about keeping an eye on people (if you chose to do this)? There are many different ways someone might go about this, from spies to more advanced technological means of surveillance. Others might worry about it less, and rely solely on the reports of soldiers, word of mouth, and the advice of your most trusted advisers. But what method would you choose?

Question 30 What Do You Think Makes The Model Citizen? Unwavering ObediencePayment Of Taxes And A Term Of Service In The Armed ForcesThey Contribute To The Progress Of MankindThey Do Whatever They WantA society can be summed up by its most average citizen. Looking at the microcosm of a society in this way can be enlightening. Various factions throughout the Mojave have very different ideas about what makes a 'model citizen.'

Some think that obedience is the key thing here, whereas others believe service to the society or contribution to the progress of mankind in general is important. Others don't even think that citizens should have to do anything. Question 31 Do You Consider Yourself A Peacekeeper or A Peace MAKER? PeacemakerPeace Does Not Concern Me - I Want War!PeacekeeperI Don't Get Involved In Other People's ConflictsFor those who don't know - there is a real difference between being a peace KEEPER and a peace MAKER. Peacekeepers go into a region with military forces but only to enforce and maintain a preexisting state of peace in an area.

Peacemakers, by contrast, go into a region guns blazing, and force the people there into submission by any means possible. They are really just an occupying force. But which philosophy do you adhere to? Question 32 Is It Acceptable To Use Your Power To Blackmail People? YesNoYes - But Only In The Name Of ProgressOnly If The Result Is Sufficiently EntertainingBlackmail is sadly very common in politics. The political atmosphere of the Mojave is no different.There's a lot of questionable and shady deals going on behind closed doors in what is supposed to be the legitimate form of government in the wasteland.

Sound familiar? It seems like governments are inevitably going to get corrupted at some point. Other organizations make it a point of honor to avoid all corruption and greed.

But what choice would you make? Question 33 What Would You Do With Your Captured Enemies? Execute The Ones Who Resisted, Enslave The Weak And SubmissiveImprison Them And Put Them To Work On Infrastructure Projects Like RailroadsWipe Them Out CompletelyMake Them Perform Humiliating Acts Under Threat Of DeathYou can tell a lot about a society by the way they treat their captured enemies. We've learned a lot about what we as humans are capable of during major wars, where prisoners are treated like animals by those claiming to be civilized.

The factions of the Mojave also have very differing points of views on this subject. Most of the factions want to try to make use of their prisoners in some way, whether it's by enslaving them or putting them in prison (which is really the same thing).

Question 34 What Would You Do If Someone Approached You And Offered You A Bribe In Return For Political Favors? Publicly Execute Them - Bribery Is Degenerate Behavior That Destroys SocietiesAccept The Bribe And Pretend That Nothing HappenedTurn Down The Bribe But Let The Guilty Party Go UnpunishedI Would Only Accept The Bribe If What They Asked Me To Do Was In My Best InterestBribery, like blackmail, is a common occurrence in the political atmosphere of the Mojave, and another clear sign of corruption in the government. But does it really hurt anyone? Sure, it might legitimize the entire concept and structure of government, but there's no real victim. Bribery or 'pay to play' politics are as common in our world as they are in the fictional world of Fallout: New Vegas. The only question is how you feel about this practice.

Question 35 How Much Do You Value Personal Freedom? Not At All - The Citizen's Role Is To Serve The State CompletelyI Value It Highly - As Long As They're Not Harming Anyone They Can Do What They WantA Value It Moderately - A Person Must Follow The Laws Put In Place By The GovernmentIt's The Most Important Thing To Me - No Matter WhatPerhaps the most important question when it comes to which faction you choose is how much you value personal freedom. Personal freedom is a much debated topic in politics. Some would say that we should be free to do whatever we want, that there should be no rules, and that people will take care of any problems on their own without the help of a functioning government.

But others say that a government is necessary to hold people accountable for their actions. What do you think? TheQuiz – Privacy PolicyWe respect your privacy and we are committed to safeguarding your privacy while online at oursite. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this Website.This Privacy Policy was last updated on May 10, 2018. Legal OwnershipTheQuiz (the “Website”) is owned and operated by Valnet inc. (“us” or “we”), a corporationincorporated under the laws of Canada, having its head office at 7405 Transcanada Highway,Suite 100, Saint Laurent, Quebec H4T 1Z2.

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