Is It Illegal To Lock Someone In A House

My partner has locked me out
  1. My Partner Has Locked Me Out

Is your house haunted? If you wanted to know, there’s one way to find out. Photographer: Kostas Tsironis/BloombergIf you could find out if someone died in your house, would you want to know?

A parents’ guide to the law 1 We live our lives within the law. The law reflects the attitudes and beliefs of society. From employment to welfare legislation, people generally accept that the law is there to protect them, act as a balance and check against exploitation and wrongdoing and make sure justice is done. Never lock the person with dementia in at home alone or leave him or her in a car without supervision. Keep car keys out of sight. A person with dementia may drive off and be at risk of potential harm to themselves or others. Generally, if there are no laws against it and if you have in your lease a clause that allows for you to have a key, then you can change the lock, keep a key, and give a key to your tenant. You cannot, however, change the locks and not give your tenant a key until after they are out.


Founded in 2013 by software engineer Roy Condrey, allows users to search any valid U.S. Address to find out if it had a dark former life (or even accommodates the afterlife). From murders and suicides to meth activity and arson, DiedInHouse uses data from over 130 million police records, news reports, old death certificates and more to determine if your house has seen horrors.The website’s creation begins like a ghost story. Three years ago, Condrey received a text message in the middle of the night from one of his tenants that read: “Did you know that your house is haunted?” Condrey went down a cyber rabbit hole seeking, but not finding, an easy way to determine if his property had indeed seen a gruesome crime or fatality.“I went online to find a ‘Carfax’ of sorts for deaths in homes and I didn’t find anything, but I did find pages and pages of people asking if there’s a way to find out if their house is haunted,” says Condrey, who rents out several properties. He later learned through his data collection that, in fact, at least 4.5 million homes nationwide have had documented deaths take place on the premises. The number of homeowners that know about the history of their home, however, is unknown.“There was no database for this information until,” says Condrey. The self-proclaimed entrepreneur serves the site’s President and CO-CEO.

For his day job, he helms a software company called Simply Put Solutions in Chapin, South Carolina. He was inspired to build a database of the dead after he learned that in many states, real estate agents are not legally obligated to tell interested renters and home buyers about prior criminal activity because it is not considered a “material fact” or structural detail about properties on the market.Condrey believes that prospective homeowners should be told this kind of information because it could sway their decision. “The intent of the site is for buyers and renters,” he says.

“The realtor is trying to sell, so they won’t disclose if they don’t have to.” And for good reason, prior death or violent crime in a home can reduce its value up to 30%, according to real estate site Trulia.When users visit the website they are asked to put in an address and then they’re taken to a page with pricing, starting at $11.99 for information about one address. The site’s algorithm relies on records largely collected after the 1980s, when information started being digitized, but Condrey’s team has been working to gather records from long before that.DiedInHouse has sold more than 40,000 reports to date, but with the upcoming site redesign Condrey thinks sales will see boost. When asked about skeptical, prospective users who might think the website is a scam, Condrey explains, “It’s a legitimate site.

My Partner Has Locked Me Out


A DiedInHouse report is not a one stop shop. It’s due diligence. You should still ask your agent and talk to neighbors.”Besides prospective homeowners, other visitors who frequent the site include ghost hunters and those who study paranormal activity. The website traditionally sees an uptick in traffic every October, as people get caught up in the Halloween spirit. Last spring, the website caught the eye of 20 th Century Fox which partnered with DiedInHouse for its film Poltergeist, presenting curious viewers free searches on the website if they used a promo code at the end of the trailers. This marketing tactic drew horror flick fans to the site in droves.So, how well does DiedInHouse work? FORBES fed five addresses into the database and found that it accurately provided information about a meth lab bust at an Ohio home, the murders at the Amityville Horror House and detailed correct ownership of an upstate New York office building.Considering a search on the website?

Be forewarned that you might not like what DiedInHouse turns up.“Ignorance is bliss,” says Condrey. “But I would like to know.”.

I still don't understand why the electric panel is outside accessible to anyone.I put a lock on the box and kept the key where a flashlight is inside in case I needed to go check for a breaker in the dark, or I did where we lived before, as anyone could have access to the box and breakers, and the panel is separate from the meter for reading or whatever. Now the water.didn't think about that.All the houses in my housing edition have the fuse boxes on the outside right next to the power meter. If I remember, I'll take a photo of mine tomorrow afternoon when the sun is up. Regarding the water, what Im thinking about locking probably isnt the water main (I probably called it the wrong thing).On the side of the house, there is a pipe comming from underground that has a valve that lets me shut off water to the house. In colder climates, this pipe and valve is usually inside the house because of freezing.Im pretty sure this valve is seperate and after the utility company water valve (water main is on all year). I have great neighbors so this wont actually happen but right now someone could turn this valve on, run a fairly long hose and fill up for example a swimming pool.Ill probably just put some sort of cheap lock on it that could be cut off - assume that if someone did cut it off, they had a good reason.

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