Doom Baron Of Hell

Doom baron of hell mod

OverviewTough as a dump truck and nearly as big, these Goliaths are the worst things on two legs since Tyrannosaurus rex.- Doom manual (this same description was used for Hell Knights in Doom II)The Hell knight was bad news but this is Big Daddy. These bruisers are a lot like Hell knights, but look a little different and are twice as tough to kill.- Doom II manual Baron of Hell sprites Only below and in terms of strength, a Baron of Hell will scratch like an when close and hurl green fireballs from a distance. The Baron character first appears as a duo, as the, in Episode 1 (Knee-Deep in the Dead) of Doom.

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In the following Episodes, and later games, Barons appear more frequently as regular enemies. Baron of Hell numbers by game Broken down by game and difficulty. Difficulty 1: I'm Too Young To Die. Difficulty 2: Hey, Not Too Rough.

Difficulty 3: Hurt Me Plenty. Difficulty 4: Ultra-Violence. Difficulty 5: Nightmare! (note: monsters respawn in this mode)DoomDifficulty 1, 2Difficulty 3Difficulty 4, 87690.

You play as a Baron. You're big, have 1000 HP, move slower, and have a high jump.

Souls heal you and give you mana. Stimpacks and Medikits do very little.

Baron vision, default F, lets you see in the dark.Requires the Reload, Zoom, Use Item and Weapon State 1 keys. Make sure you bind them.For the HUD, first, make sure you have Alternative HUD set to OFF. Then, make sure that, under Display Options, you have Screen Size set to 11. Finally, under HUD Options-Scaling Options, you can mess with the HUD size with the User Interface Scale option. Please refrain from posting about the HUD until after you have followed these directions. Lots of mods have HUDs like this one, so this is just good practice anyway.Use Item button uses your shield that drains Mana and increases damage reduction.Slot 1 - Melee - Main fire attacks/Alt fire ground slam. Zoom does a Spell Strike, which channels the currently selected spell into your claws.

Reload switches spell. Fury Rune raises damage and lets you Spell Strike with Fireball and Immolation. Carnage Rune greatly raises damage and speed.

Doom Baron Of Hell

Altfire groundslams, hold it to pick up a rock. Can pick up barrels. Can use Altfire to combo with punches.Slot 2 - Spells - Zoom changes spell in Left hand, Reload changes spell in right hand.

Mouse buttons move selection cursor. Hitting Zoom/Reload again selects spell. Weapon State 1 toggles Apex Spells, once you find the Apex Rune.Spells are:Flare - Start - 4 Soulgems and it's free.

Apex does rapid fire and homing.Incineration - Tome - Explosive. Hold to charge. Apex fires full charged. Spawns on Rocket LauncherImmolation - Scroll - Flamethrower. Apex is a shockwave. Spawns on Plasma Rifle.Meteor - BFG Tome - Drops a meteor.

Apex is homing meteor. Spawns on BFG.Defile - Scroll - Remove corpse, do double damage for 5 secs. Stacks duration.

Spawns on Rocket Launcher.Hydra - Tome - Summon Hydra. Spawns on Plasma Rifle.Clone - BFG Tome - Summon a clone. Spawns on BFG.Zoom toggles Weapon Enchantments, after you find the Enchantment Rune.Slot 3 - Belial - Fires bouncing flak. Altfire fires a flak bomb.Slot 4 - M2HB - HEAVY MAHSCHEEN GUN. Altfire toggles Siege Mode.Slot 5 - Moloch - Rapid fires missiles.

Doom Baron Of Hell Gameplay

Altfire shoots a napalm cluster bomb.Slot 6 - Azazel - Reload toggles firemode. Various effects. Alt fire switches ammotype.Hell. Those Spiderdemons have run it into the ground.

The Icon of Sin allowed them to let it weaken, weaken to the point where some human dressed like a squash was able to crush it. Embarrassing.You have awoken from an eon long slumber, from an long gone age. Sensing your displeasure, the Spiders turned your vassals against you, sealing you and your power away.

Now you seek vengeance and upheaval. You will rise and show Hell that the Spiders are not what they should fear and obey, that it is you.

You will show them what it means to be.A Baron of Hell.Rise from your sleep, take old weapons and ancient destructive magics in hand and plow your way through this traitorous new Hell's legions to overthrow the Spiders.Gameplay changesYou, old Baron whose name is forgotten, are larger and stronger then most. With 1000 starting health, you are difficult to kill despite being too large for most armor. You can leap great distances with your powerful legs, and your cloven hooves fear no danger from lava or nukage.

Human's medical technology has very little effect on you, but you can consume the souls of human enemies to restore your health and arcane power. Your eyes can see nearly perfectly in even the blackest darkness. You can build up speed while running and trample smaller enemies.You will need to utilize Alt-Fire, Zoom, Weapon State 1, Use Item and Reload.WeaponsTerrible and varied, the weapons and sorceries of humans and ancient demons will serve you well in your quest for vengeance.Spoiler: Weapons.

Slot 1 - Claws, Fury Claws and Carnage Claws.While sharp, able to tear flesh with ease, your long slumber has left you weary and weakened. You currently are no faster then a normal Baron of Hell but still much stronger. They scalded off the Fury Rune that gave you your great strength. You must recover it to restore your strength and speed and to passively form your Mana into a barrier, granting damage reduction. You once heard of another Rune crafted by demons of another dimension called a Kānēji moji, or Carnage Rune.

It was used by a prolific demon that invaded the humans' world many many years ago, before your sealing. It is said to grant tremendous strength, endurance and speed, but it would be very rare to find it in this dimension.Regardless of rune or no rune, you can pick up and carry barrels with ease by hitting them.You can slam your hands to the ground with Alt Fire, causing a shockwave that crushes nearby enemies. You can hold this to tear a large boulder from the ground which can then be thrown. You can also use Alt Fire to combo punches with your claws.

Should you have a Rune and the Fireball Tome, you can further combo into a Fireball Spell strike.You can channel your spells into your claws, casting devastating melee versions of your spells. Press the Reload key to do this. Casting spells more advanced than Baron Ball in this way requires the Fury Rune; it rearranges your 'circuits' for magic allowing you to do this. You can also switch your spells with the Zoom key.Slot 2 - Baron MagicAll your spells are manipulated through your limited skill in the arcane arts.

While not on the level of the Archvile High Bishops, your control of magic is far greater than the usual Baron of Hell, allowing you to quickly switch between the highly destructive magics of your kind and a small assortment of spells normally restricted to the much more skillful Archviles. You start with the basic Baron Ball and Shield spells, and can find the Tome of Fireball, Tome of Hydra Summoning, Tome of Meteor, Tome of Spirit Clone, Scroll of Corpse Blast and the Scroll of Immolation to gain access to those spells. Unlike most Barons of Hell, you can cast a spell with one hand, and cast another with the other simultaneously. Reload switches the spell in you right hand, and Zoom switches the spell in your left. WeaponState1 toggles Apex Spells once you have found the proper rune.As your magical power increases by collecting Soul Gems, you are able to cast spells more and more efficiently.

Max Level is 5, starting at 0.Flare - Throw a small fireball. The most basic of spells used by Hell Nobles; even Imps use a lesser version of this spell. You have a great mastery of it, allowing you to throw much faster balls that explode, compared to your contemporary peers. Unlike most spells, it becomes free to cast once you have the maximum Spell Level.Uses 1 Mana.-Apex - Rapid fire homing Baron Balls. Uses 2 Mana.-Spell Strike - Focus a font of Mana over your hands, engulfing them in green power.

Makes your claws deal double damage. Costs 1 Mana on swing; hitting living/undead creatures disrupts the Mana due to feedback from your energy colliding with the life/unlife energy.Incineration - Fires large explosive fireball. This spell is less common, but is surprisingly simple. It's just a Flare but keeping it in your hand longer to channel more Mana into it. You still need to refer to a Tome for it as you don't remember the exact materials for it. Not widely used as most Barons of Hell don't have the deep Mana pools required to use it frequently and Archviles consider the spell too simple to use.

Such arrogance.Uses 10 Mana and can be held to charge up. Spawns on the Rocket Launcher.-Apex - Fire a fully charged fireball. Costs 30 Mana.-Spell Strike - Charging attack. Explodes on impact. Startup is 20 Mana, and drains Mana as you dash.Immolation- Fires a stream of Baron Fire. A much more complicated spell, you need to fine a Scroll of its record to even attempt it. Evoking the spell requires focusing your Mana into your hand as if to form a Baron Ball, but instead of letting it collect, you let it freely flow outward.

Because it directly opens your Mana channels, it rapidly drains your power and is highly dangerous. Many a greedy and unskilled Hell Knight have burned their arm completely away attempting and failing the spell. A very brutish, unrefined but powerful spell, much like the Barons that crafted it.Rapidly drains Mana.

Spawns on the Plasma Rifle.-Apex - Send out a short range blast wave that burst out flames. Uses 40 Mana.-Spell Strike - Summons a shield of Baron Fire. It blocks passage and projectiles. Costs 50 Mana.Meteor - Most interesting. This tome details a spell you were developing before you were sealed away.

It involves sending out waves of power outward to pull in a meteor from the heavens, imbuing it with Baron fire. You couldn't quite figure out how to do the pulling, however. Hmm, it seems an Archvile found your notes at some point and completed the spell. With this spell at your disposal, it is only a matter of time before Hell, and beyond, fall.Uses 50 Mana. Spawns on the BFG.-Apex - Homing Meteor. Uses 100 Mana.-Spell Strike - None.

The nature of the spell disallows interaction with Runes of any kind. Most spells call on your power from within. This one pulls an object from without.Shield - All Archviles know a basic trick to constantly be radiating Mana, acting like a barrier of sorts around their bodies. It makes them hardy and difficult to kill, despite how fragile they appear. Baron Magi can do the same with this spell, but they lack the skill, refinement and massive pools of Mana that Archviles possess to be able to use it continually.

The spell begins jettisoning Mana outwards to reduce damage taken, but rapidly drains Mana. Similar to the passive Mana barrier created by melee runes, but without the rune acting as a source.Rapidly drains Mana. Cost increases with Spell Level, but so does protection granted.This spell is used with Use Item.Defile - Archviles are best known for their abilities to revive the dead. It's a closely guarded secret of theirs but is known by every member of their race. Perhaps it's an innate ability rather than a spell as you've understood it to be. This spell may further prove that; it's an attempt by yourself and other Baron Magi to reverse engineer an Archvile's resurrection.

Baron Of Hell Doom Eternal

Instead of bringing the creature back to life, it causes the corpse to explode into bits, siphoning off their residual demonic energies and strengthening the caster for a time, with each corpse adding to this time. Not the intended result, but still an acceptable one.Uses 5 Mana. Spawns on the Rocket Launcher.-Apex - Absorbs the remaining fragments of the creature's soul, recovering health equal to 10% of its life in addition to the normal effect.

Doom Baron Of Hell

Costs 10 Mana.-Spell Strike - Allows you to siphon portions of a struck creature's soul on hit. Uses 1 Mana per swing, and hits heal you.Summon Hydra - Sages speak of demons that live deep below Hell's surface, spying on and gathering information from the demons above. While they never surface willingly, causing them to go undiscovered for eons, Sages crafted a spell that summons and subjugates one such demon: Hydras. Hydras have proven to be competent spell casters, able to cast Baron Ball and Fireball, but being unable to move from the spot they are conjured, and fleeing quickly when severely injured or once the spell's effect ends. It is still a rarely used spell. Demons of the surface view these subterranean horrors as lower than even Bulls. The Baron has no such qualms; if it fights and can be subjugated, it is useful.

Costs 25 Mana. Spawns on the Plasma Rifle.Boosted - Summon a Boosted Hydra. Somehow the spell allows the Hydra to tap into the power of Spell Booster Runes. Costs 50 Mana.Clone - Spells that directly manipulate souls are incredibly advanced and rare. Failure to cast Soul Magic results in the casters soul being torn asunder. Needless to say, no being can survive such an ordeal. Because of the great cost of such magic, only a handful of demons can even attempt to cast Soul Magic.

This is one such spell. A low level Soul Magic projects a fragment of the caster's soul, creating an identical clone. This clone can cast all spells the caster knows, or has ever known. It only last a short time, and violently explodes when it expires.

Most casters of Soul Magic are high level Archvile Bishops. No Baron Magi has ever been capable of casting Soul Magic. Until now.Costs 75 Mana. Spawns on the BFG.Boosted - The Spell Booster's power seeps into your very soul, causing the projection to gain the benefit of it's power. Costs 150 Mana.Slot 3 - Belial Flak CannonAn updated version of a old weapon. It launches a pair of canisters filled with deadly flak that bursts into a thick spread of shards capable of bouncing off walls. The inner workings of the gun are magical, and allow the user to fuse the flak from three canisters into a deadly spike.

The records to the original may be lost but the demonic smith that created it still lives and seems to have updated it's design. The recoil was much for the Hell Knights it was designed for, and crushed imps and lesser beings, but you are stronger then most Barons who could already manage it.

You don't even notice it. Normally you wouldn't stoop to using a mere Knight's weapon, but it is far too effective to pass up, and it would be wise to carry a weapon should your Mana run dry.Slot 4- M2HB Heavy Machine GunWhen humans die in vehicular related incidents, they some times bring the vehicle and all it's contents to Hell with their souls. Humans and their love for machines.

However, they enjoy warships, and mounted on them is this weapon. It can shred even Barons with it's rapid barrage of.50 caliber HE bullets. What beasts roam the earth that would require such a weapon? If only it didn't consume ammo so quickly. It kills even Cyberdemons and Spiders in seconds.

These new demons and their love for cybernetics. No better than the humans and their machines. It's quite large and unwieldy, even for you.Slot 5 - Moloch Multi Rocket CannonThe demonic smith Azazel has been forging weapons since long before your genesis. And this weapon proves it still produces weapons to this day. A much newer weapon created after your sealing, it was created to allow Knights and Baron to emulate the fiery abilities of Bruiser Demons and Diabolists. It rapid fires small and highly explosive missiles, and can fuse 5 of these rockets into a large, heavy cluster bomb. This bomb explodes into smaller fireballs that burst into deadly Hellfire, lighting the ground ablaze.An unfortunate symptom of the modern Hell's obsession with cybernetics.

If it didn't share Azazel's seal with the Belial and its self named weapon, you'd never believe it was the same smith. Did Azazel have something to do with the Spider's cybernization and rise to power?Slot 6 - Azazel Magic AutocannonAnother weapon from the Old Days, it was forged by the same demonic smith as the Belial in conjunction with an Archvile Bishop. It combines high level spacial magic with demonic craftsmanship to create a versatile weapon to be used by Barons and Archons. The magic of it's clip and receiver allow it to take any ammo, with the spells automatically arranging the internal components to allow for efficient launching. While it can take any ammo, the weapons specialized to those ammo types are still more effective.

To help counter balance this, the barrel is enchanted with fire magic, imbuing any round that passes through with explosive power.The Alt-Fire button changes what ammo type you currently have loaded.The Baron knows of a trick to lock the barrel in place while not interfering with the mechanism. When engaged with the Reload button, it allows for firing of an alternate rapid fire mode.

This doesn't allow the barrel to come into the gun to complete the magic circle that imbues the fire magic, however.The barrel magic and gun react differently based on the different ammo types you put in the clip.20mm Bullets: The magic effects the bullet perfectly, firing explosive shots. The Auto Lock fires the bullets with a much higher rate of fire.Flak Canisters: The magic melts all the flak together into a single deadly spike, and lights it aflame, allowing it to burn through multiple enemies.

The Auto Lock breaks apart the canister, allowing rapid fire of each individual piece of flak. One canister is loaded with 25 flak.Missiles: The magic of the barrel of the gun supercharges the Hellfire mixture inside to explode violently. It burns away to fast to0 light the ground on fire, however. The Auto Lock divides the missile into 10 micro missiles that seek onto enemies.It reacts differently to the Enchantment Rune compared to the other weapons.PowerupsThe Berserk, Light Amp, Blursphere and Environmental Suit have been replaced by spawners for the Spell Boost, Mana Boost, Enchantment Rune and Berserk.Spoiler: Powerups. Soulsphere - A blue orb crafted by Archviles and carried by Hell's elite, it contains a legion of souls.

Absorbing it's power restores a large portion of your mana and greatly boosts your health.Sinner's Orb - An amalgamation of the souls of mortals who have committed the most heinous of sins. The pure evil of the souls absorbed from them greatly fortifies your health, greatly restores you Mana, and expands your Mana similar to 5 Soulgems. It doesn't do.whatever Soulgems do to increase your Baron Ball level, however.Ammo Satchel - Many human soldiers who die find their souls in Hell, and while their bodies no longer have form, possessions such as this do. It contains a great deal of ammo, and taking it with you would allow you to carry more.Soul Gem - Gems crafted by Baron magi, they hold excess souls for later use. Each one you carry with you increases your maximum Mana by 100 and increases your Magic Level by 1. Chance to spawn in place of the backpack.Enchantment Rune - An ancient rune developed by an even older Archvile Lord, it is the focus of a spell allowing one to imbue their magical energy upon a weapon in their grasp. The exact effect changes based on what spell is currently readied.

Baron Ball doubles the damage, Fireball makes the shots explosive and Immolation wreaths the rounds in flame, allowing them to burn through and pierce enemies. Press Zoom to toggle the rune.Mana Boost Rune - A Rune written in powerful magics, it serves as an alternate source of Mana, making certain spells free to cast for a short time. It does not work on Enchantments as the Enchantment spell is written in such a complicated way that it cannot be altered, and it does not work with Devastation for the spell is incomplete and lacks the components to be compatible with the Rune.Apex Rune - Another Rune, this one is inscribed upon your chest. When activated, it boosts the power of your spells but causes your body to burn away twice as much Mana as usual. Press the WeaponState1 key to toggle.Berserk - Bah!

Just another pack of human medical supplies. Except the stimulant in the pack makes use of demonic energies. It fills you with rage and increases your already formidable strength, as well as healing you much more effectively then stimpacks and medipacks.Area Map - A strange computer device of the humans. This kind of technology is their answer to magic. It features a map of the area, so it's still useful.Invulnerability - A very powerful artifact. The design is so ancient, only the Icon of Sin knows what spawn created the original design.

No matter; that is best left to Sages and Clerics. All that's important is when it is taken, it makes one completely invincible for a time.Bruiser Sphere - Currently unavailable.

Sorry about that.Coming back soon.Preview of Beta 11 - OUTDATEDICARUSLIV3S' video on HoD - BARONSpoiler: IF YOU HAVE HAVING ISSUES WITH THE HUD, BEFORE YOU POST READ THIS. First, make sure you have Alternative HUD set to OFFThen, make sure that, under Display Options, you have Screen Size set to 11.Finally, under HUD Options-Scaling Options, you can mess with the HUD size with the User Interface Scale option.IF AFTER ALL THAT you are still having an issue, then post.Heavily inspired by Empathy, I've decided to make yet another mod that allows you to play as a Baron. Expanding upon their abilities and incorporating features of them from the 3 games they appear in, I wanted to build upon Empathy and make it a whole experience.This is my first mod, and a learning exercise in DECORATE so any and all comments, compliments and criticisms are welcome. It's in a pretty early pre-release state, but it's playable and I want some outside input. When done with it will be a total character replacement with updated graphics on all items.

You are OP but I felt it was necessary to really get the Baron feel across, and this was designed with monster mods in mind.Latest ChangelogSpoiler: Changelog. Gameplay-Added new option to turn on vanilla barrels.-Toggling Enchantments is now much faster, turns off without interupting fire, and has a new animation.-Type 99 changed to the M2HB.-Bullet pickup amount reduced to 20.-Missile pickup amount increased to 5.-Missile box pickup amount increased to 15.-Missile max capacity increased to 75/150.Weapons-Updated all gun muzzle flashes. The weapon pickup quotes especially drawn my attentionMy comments/suggestions:- Slot 0/chainsaw: a hammer punch.

Generates a shockwave that knockbacks enemies.- Slot 1/melee altfire: a kick. I want to use these hooves- Slot 5 spell's altfire has impressive SFX!- Slot 6 replacement: a plasmathrower. Short ranged and consumes ammo fast, but is powerful. Also, Baron now has slow attacks, which can spell doom to him when he is cornered and surrounded. This spell would give him a chance in such situation.- Plasma Fountain (slot 7) consumes too much ammo. I would cut it in half, to 50.- Slot 0 and 1 attacks are too weak - cannot take down an imp, or sometimes even a zombie in one hit!- Does Berserk's damage amplification work here? It would be nice if Berserk Pack could replaced with some artifact that allows Baron to punch with plasma-powered hands (for free!)- Could not armour be replaced with arcane essence (ammo for spells)?

Does not seem to be replaced with anything at the moment.- Is there any large type of arcane essence? Could not find any.- Maybe replace LAVs with something else, and give Baron natural nightvision? Not that he could sensibly wear or use them anyway.- Any chance we could see an ability/weapon that allows you to cause Hell Knights and other Barons to ally with you? You are fighting for them, after all, and yet they still attack you.- If you want to do a new monster, then I propose a Cacodemon. Does not require any first person sprites, so it would be easier to make in that regard. Slot 6 replacement: a plasmathrower.

Short ranged and consumes ammo fast, but is powerful. Also, Baron now has slow attacks, which can spell doom to him when he is cornered and surrounded.

This spell would give him a chance in such situation.I did notice during testing that The Baron is extremely vulnerable to this, but raising his defense or regen would make him damn near immortal. His DR got nerfed 4 times over the course of development (503332515) and his regen once (21). Like he would survive getting corner fucked but be basically unkillable by everything else. But one plasmathrower coming up! It and the slot 0 should help with this problem without making him more OP then he already is.

Any chance we could see an ability/weapon that allows you to cause Hell Knights and other Barons to ally with you? You are fighting for them, after all, and yet they still attack you.yes, actually! I'm planning on adding some kind of amulet or crown that makes HKs and BoH fight for you for a while. It may be a little tricky, as I'm trying to avoid editing monsters in anyway and that might require adding species tags. Plus, he views current HKs and BoH as traitors for siding with the Spiderdemons. And demons fight among themselves if nothing else is around.Thank you for your input. Testing's been difficult as non of my friends know a DOSBox from a ZDoom, so all comments are invaluable.

GOODGOOD wrote:Need a new Weapon, a MK 19 Grenade Launcher could work I guess? Or a M202 FLASH Rocket Launcher (How the hell is that weapon doing in the future).This is actually a good idea, for him to find an old M202 FLASH, like an old one from Vietnam loaded with Napalm. Would explode and coat the ground with fire for a duration.

Let me see if I can find some sprites that don't show hands.Omae wa mou nidoru Joined: 08 Oct 2016 Location: Somewhere aggravating Discord: #7624 Twitch ID: brohnesorge1 Operating System: Windows 10/8.1/8 64-bit. Tweaked melee, can reliable kill zambos in 1 hit and imps in 1 or 2.-Chainsaw replacement added: Enhanced Claws. Does more damage and is faster. Alt Fire slow strong version. This alternate is a placeholder.-Berserk works more noticeably now.-Can actually tell large mana and large health bonus apart from small ones now.-Fixed width issue. Can no longer fit through thin openings.-Baron Ball alt now fires 5 instead of 3.-Slot 6 Immolation!

Magical flame thrower! Does a lot of damage but eats Mana fast! Not tested much, so any feedback is welcome and wanted. No Alt-Fire yet.-Slot 7 Devastation mana use 10050.-Total 20mm rounds reduced from 450/900 to 350/700.-Slot 3 Belial Flak Cannon offsets tweaked. Alt Fire behavior changed. Moves faster and bigger hitbox but less damage overall.

Shouldn't one shot Spiderdemons anymore. Also added Alt-Fire hit spark.-Various GFX improved!

Renderstyle Add too OP.Shit forgot the night vision. Expect it next update. Also the square thing is a quirk of the Doom engine. There is a trick you can do in DECORATE to fix it, but I'm not too worried about it right now; it's pretty low on my ToDo list. Also, using this with BD Monsters has some strange results:All the mana sprites turn into Manicubus arm sprites. Sprite names are important!

Will fix in future.Currently working onSpoiler. Comments from testing the second version:- Melee damage is now alright.- Enhanced Claws are similar to what I proposed - they generate small plasma charge, I assume? However, I do not understand why you would want to separate them from ordinary claws, as EC are a straight upgrade, with damage boost and still free of ammo consumption. They should be a permanent replacement. Also, they should stack with Berserk, but this may be rather complicated to do.- I prefer quintuple altfire for basic plasmaball. Triple form was too slow anyway for its damage potential.- Wow, you actually made the plasmathrower! I must thank you, since I wished to see it implemented for Barons, and you gave us a playable version of it!

It devoures mana faster than a hungry Pinky eating chickens! And oh my, is not this damage formidable!? It works perfectly to melt away any monsters too close to comfort! A really worthy slot 6 weapon!

(yes, I am rather exicted with this spell, hence all these exclamation marks )- Content with 50-mana Plasma Fountain as well, obviously- I can now see big mana pickups clearly, no doubt- Why does Baron roar when he falls down? A simple pain sound would better.

That roar would better be saved for a taunt (if you want to aggro enemies on you for some reason) or for that 'control Hell Nobles' ability we have talked about.- You may be wide now, but I can still fit into small windows (of a height equal to half of a zombie's) through jumping+crouching. Not that big of an issue, though.- Is this a Quake 3 Team Arena Nailgun's SFX I hear from Belial Flak Cannon? Good as placeholder, but I think it eventually needs something bigger. Sounds a bit wimpy for such a big gun.- 'Groundpound'? Something like the Baron's smash attack from Doom 4?- That magical Vulcan bullets sound enticing. However, I prognose you will run out of mana and bullets quickly with that one, so this fire mode should better be very powerful.Waiting for Taggart Joined: 22 Mar 2016 Location: E3M1 Discord: #4487.

The claws didn't come out exactly as I hoped and what they are now is a place holder. All the sound stuff I plan on doing last. It's very tedious. But I do plan on getting rid of the roar on fall thing.

It's because that's the pain sound and you make the pain sound after falling so far. Fitting through windows is something that's intentional; don't want to be so big that you can't beat levels, now do we? Plus thats a quirk with crouching in general. But yes, like what Barons do in Doom 4. The magic vulcan would do tremendous damage and possibly rip, I'll have to test. Next update won't be for a week or so (job) so a lot of this one was making the mod more whole before this drought.Omae wa mou nidoru Joined: 08 Oct 2016 Location: Somewhere aggravating Discord: #7624 Twitch ID: brohnesorge1 Operating System: Windows 10/8.1/8 64-bit. He uses the Alert roar as his 'Big Pain' sound, which is the sound it calls upon for falling.

It's how the SNDINFO was set up in Empathy. You can change the height/fall speed that the sound plays, so I plan on changing it to such a ridiculous height that it doesn't play until I replace it, because it's annoying to hear it non-stop while jumping. And if your size is too large, you can't even finish MAP 01 of base Doom 2, on top of other low ceiling stuff. You can't fit under the Exit sign; it's kinda funny, but game breaking. But it's actually one of the things I was aiming for, having a mental image of this big ass Baron ducking under shit that a human could just walk under.Also, fun fact, over in Resources there was a M202 FLASH sprite. Surprise, CaptainJ again.

Just some quick edits to turn the hand around (a baron holding one like a long pistol doesn't see too far fetched) and make it baron colored. It'll look a bit off from the claw, because the claw is red for some reason, but it'll get fixed too down the road.Omae wa mou nidoru Joined: 08 Oct 2016 Location: Somewhere aggravating Discord: #7624 Twitch ID: brohnesorge1 Operating System: Windows 10/8.1/8 64-bit. There is a BFG replacement in the form of Devastation.

If you are having a hard time telling slots apart, play with weapon tags on. I'm working on recoloring hand sprites now it it will be easier to tell them apart. I am pretty satisfied with the amount of weapons right now so after I add the M202 next update, that'll be all of them.

I'm not looking for a AEons of Death thing nor to have a spell and gun in every slot.And I don't feel like the cyber demon arm would fit and it makes no sense to me anyway. Its a cybernetic attachment, so it most likely requires a neurological link to the Cyber's brain to function.Okay, so I'm starting to lay down the groundwork for Powerups and I'm having a hard time deciding on some stuff. Not all of these will be in the next update, especially the Bruisersphere, but I'm laying the groundwork.Megasphere-Edited Megasphere,gives 100 mana and 250 health with no max, and Bruisersphere,Turns you into a Bruiser Baron for 5 minutes, making you set fire to the ground as you walk and making your spells set enemies on fire.Light Amp Visior-???, maybe a Enchantment Rune. For a few minutes/permanantly, your weapons are empowered with your mana increasing damage/allowing you to toggle empowerment causing weapons to use both mana and bullets.

Maybe put this in place of the E-Suit?Backpack-Ammo Satchel that only gives and doubles ammo for guns (so the Flak Cannon, Vulcan and M202) and has a chance to be replaced with a Manafont/Leyline, which doubles mana total and increasing it further by 10% for each found after the first, ala the Hammerspace Bag from GC.Environmental Suit-????? I legit have no idea what to replace it with.

HALP.Blursphere-jewelry of Domination? Nobility? For 120 seconds, Hell Knights and Barons of Hell regard you as an ally and will not attack you.Berserk-Edited Berserk, duration goes across levels, is 5 minutes and gives you expanded melee abilities during the duration on top of increasing damage.Thoughts?Omae wa mou nidoru Joined: 08 Oct 2016 Location: Somewhere aggravating Discord: #7624 Twitch ID: brohnesorge1 Operating System: Windows 10/8.1/8 64-bit.

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