Fallout 4 Backpack Creation Club
Publicado originalmente por:Is there any sort of space you could use to make questions or comment about an item in Creation Club interface? If so, might be good idea to use such space to ask that question, because only the author of that item will know the answer. I think Bethesda created these, but nowhere in the description does it state how to use it. All it says is how modular it is.
Creation Club is a collection of all-new content for both Fallout 4 and Skyrim. It features new items, abilities, and gameplay created by Bethesda Games Studios and outside development partners including the best community creators. Creation Club content is fully curated and compatible with the main game and official add-ons.
I only play survival and this is apparently the only decent thing in the entire catalogue, and I can't use it! Other than it's passive benefits of course. Publicado originalmente por:Sorry, but i got a question. Is backpack thing just for show or it actually does have in-game benefits?
It sounds silly, but i'm curious and not wanna buy it until i know it. It has a large amount of customization options, and passive benefit combinations that you can craft at an armor workbench, including options 'w/sleeping bag'.You can't get a refund on creation club money, whether you get it with card money or not.Thanks for answer, so it does have benefit with customise stuff. Then i'll buy it but still need to consider some things. Thanks anyways!
In a, Bethesda has announced that the Creation Club for is now available. The Creation Club arrives as a part of Fallout 4’s, which is now live on all platforms. The announcement further clarifies that this launch of Creation Club is the “PC beta” rather than the complete deal, so expect some issues as the new content system settles in.The Creation Club was at E3 2017 in June as a new initiative across both Fallout 4 and Special Edition to allow players to purchase and download user-created mods. Back then, Bethesda was keen to stress that the Creation Club was not a new “paid mods” initiative, as per the aborted attempt through Steam with Skyrim’s initial release.
The publisher stated:“Mods will remain a free and open system where anyone can create and share what they’d like. Also, we won’t allow any existing mods to be retrofitted into Creation Club, it must all be original content.Most of the Creation Club content is created internally, some with external partners who have worked on our games, and some by external Creators.
All the content is approved, curated, and taken through the full internal dev cycle; including localization, polishing, and testing. This also guarantees that all content works together.We’ve looked at many ways to do “paid mods”, and the problems outweigh the benefits. We’ve encountered many of those issues before.
Fallout 4 Creation Club Modular Backpack
But, there’s a constant demand from our fans to add more official high quality content to our games, and while we are able to create a lot of it, we think many in our community have the talent to work directly with us and create some amazing new things.”. Today’s update further reiterates the statement, with Bethesda saying:“Featuring new items, abilities and gameplay created by Bethesda Games Studios and outside development partners – including the best community creators – Creation Club content is fully curated and compatible with the main game, official add-ons, and achievements. Currently available for Fallout 4, Creation Club will be coming to Skyrim Special Edition next month. All Creation Club content works on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. And of course, Mods will remain a free and open system where anyone can create and share what they’d like.”With the launch of the PC beta, Bethesda has added 100 credits to every player’s account, which can be spent on mods.
The selection is currently rather slim, but Bethesda says more content will be coming in the next few months. Here’s what’s available – a selection of items along with Bethesda poking fun at its own first DLC and including a new Horse Armour mod:Chinese Stealth ArmorWorn by both the Crimson Dragoon troops and Black Ghost counterinsurgency squads during the Great War, Chinese Stealth Armor relies on light modulation technology to render its wearer virtually invisible.Modular Military BackpackMake this backpack yours with over 30 different add-on pieces, patches and colors.
It isn't about supporting modders. Modding for Creator's Club you lose creative freedom, any right to your creation, you're unable to overhaul it or change it after sending it to Bethesda, you get paid a lump sum of bus money change.
And most importantly - Bethesda isn't even crediting the mod authors so they steal that part from you too.(I hear their lawyers are looking into claiming the intellectual rights to your immortal soul too)You sign up to be a cheap sub-minimum $1/hour microtransaction asset slave. Federal minimum wage in the US is $7,25/hour, multiply that with hours spent making a mod to see how much money you're saving them.+3 votes. After watching several YouTube vids on the subject of this I'm changing my viewpoint I posted originally. I thought at first that the modder would have some sort of advantage to this.
Fallout 4 Creation Club Backpack Not Working

After all we all love modders. They could add it to their resume, put a little money in their pocket etc. Well that thought goes out the window after watching the vids.Now news is leaking out that Bethesda is paying them flat low fee for their mod, AND keeping ALL rights to it. This screws over the modder entirely and it's shocking!

Valve treated paid mods better than Bethesda ever will. With Bethesda modders get paid a tiny amount 1x, then Bethesda turns around and potentially makes millions off it over time.A contract of this hasn't been published YET because of rumored NDA. But one will prolly leak eventually. I don't know in what universe they got that this was a good idea, or who is running it, or what their motivations are. But as a mod author, especially for a Fallout mod, and as a game dev when I am paid to do so. I can't condone this.It is such a transparent money grab. That's all it is.
Just a blatant disrespect to modders in my community producing objectively superior quality mods by every metric. Dogstooth's Hellfire armour is objectively more robust and feature complete. You can retexture power armour all day. The shotguns have their own diverse stuff. Backpacks weren't done to that level, but they're not integrated into immersive leveled lists, so it ruins the story-line.If you are going to release content for money, make it bundled, significant content.
Not an IV drip of frivolous junk. Make story-line content. Make new lands.
Add a Better Plasma Gun (TM.) Put that together and charge 10$ for it. There you go.
If you're desperate, buy a guy's mod, patch it up to spec internally, and bundle it into your next release as a new quest made by modders you hired and trained.If that was on offer at Bethesda I'd get involved, totally. I'd make genuine quest content with role playing material with me and a couple guys paid a living wage and% of profits.But this is just sad.+47 votes. I'd be okay with this if:-Weapon/armor mods were bundled together as actual DLC and priced fairly similar to Killing Floor's community weapon packs ($4 for a single gun? Really Bethesda?)-Modders get paid a royalty instead of/in addition to a one time commission.
Currently, buying mods DO NOT DIRECTLY SUPPORT MODDERS. If someone makes a mod for CC and it sells an arseload, all of the money goes straight to Bethesda and none to the modder.-The mods are worth buying. Who in the. would actually pay money for a shite camo Pipboy reskin?I HATE the idea of paid mods, but Bethesda could've implemented this in a much smarter way. Bethesda is obviously trying to do what Valve's doing with making money off of user-created content.

However, this is so much more transparently greedy and this money grubbing scheme could really set an awful precedent. They can't keep getting away with this. The more this abomination becomes a thing the more they will rip content out of their games and sell it piecemeal as microtransactions falsely advertised as 'mods' or even 'dlc', even on launch, in future fallout/elderscrolls games we will sooner or later end up having a barren and empty land where you will have to buy everything from the original weapons armors and races to the goddamn mainquest, which they will release in 'episodes' AKA telltale.if they can get away with anything, they will do it, and say. the consequenses. They are just this greedy now.+5 votes.