Fallout 4 Gunners Overhaul

Contents BackgroundThe Gunners are a paramilitary mercenary organization and are the largest single unaligned faction in the Commonwealth, acting independently of any government or settlement. They are well-disciplined, highly-equipped soldiers for hire with their own customs and signage, who control numerous strongholds both in and around the area. The Gunners are lead by, with their headquarters being. The origins of the Gunners and their recruitment techniques are largely unknown although it is known they employ from, who upon joining, may have difficulty adjusting to the strict environment and regimentation of being a Gunner, the only known example being. Based on patterns of speech and terminal entries, the Gunners place great emphasis on loyalty and do not tolerate insubordination. Many Gunners also get their blood types tattooed onto their foreheads by their medics, as this is both a practical measure and a rite of passage. Desertion from the Gunners is not unknown, examples being and.Similar to raiders and the 's, most Gunners will attack strangers on sight.
- The Gunners appear only in Fallout 4. Behind the scenes Edit The blood type tattoos are possibly a reference to the Schutzstaffel of Nazi Germany, who also.
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4 - FO4 Combat Overhaul 3 5 - FO4 CBBE Outfit With Cloth Physics In the first part I went over my goals in overhauling combat, and here I review the mods that build the foundation.
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They differ from raiders in their lack of drug dependency, extensive use of superior equipment such as laser or plasma-based weaponry, higher tier combat armor, and their commanders are even known to make use of. The Gunners possess functional, which permits them to employ vertical envelopment and air assault tactics, transporting two to four man strike teams with one or two attack dogs. The player character can even find Gunners trying to steal Vertibirds from other factions.Gunners can typically be found on the ruined overpasses throughout the Commonwealth. This gives them elevated firing positions, unhindered movement throughout most of the Commonwealth and safety from the dangers down below.Variants GunnerThe lowest of the Gunners, the generic Gunner is generally pretty weak when compared with their counterparts. Armed with low-mid level weapons like 10mm pistols and laser rifles, these enemies aren’t much stronger than a typical raider.Name StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItemsGunner0020f489 (base).
Fallout 4 Horizon Mod Pack

Article # 2 in a 5-part series. 1 -. 2 -this article. 3 -. 4 -. 5 -In the I went over my goals in overhauling combat, and here I review the mods that build the foundation. In, I’ll cover my changes including adjustments to several weapon and armor mods to complete the overhaul.
Fallout 4 Gunners Overhaul Parts
Combat overhaul mods. (DRO) by Cruor32. by JackArbiter. by The Iron Roserecommended.
by zilav. by JackArbiterDRO“” is a work in progress by Cruor32. As of December 2017 for v1.4, the description (dated 18 December 2016) mentions the author has been fixing missed changes and balancing armor. I’ve spent the last several months building off of this including tweaking and balancing which I’ll go over in Part 3. The mod is good enough as is, but you may want to open the plugins up in and take a look.

The mod includes several modular plugins, and I recommend all four unless you plan on replacing one. In particular the NPC plugin is pointless without weapon-and-armor plugin.