Far Cry 2 Reshade

UPDATESUpdate 1.2 - Changed DOF to match the more optimized DoF in my newer Did I Ever Tell You? Cinematic ReShade. Looks and behaves better all around now. Also there's an optional version that's much more cinematic.
Cut off the one that's on my default with the division key on the numberpad, enable the cinematic one with 4 on the numberpad. Don't use both at the same time.Update 1.1 released 3/28/2018, 1:01 pm EST.
Fixed insane bloom/brightness, reduced film grain. Tip, disable the ambient light (which controls some of the lens dirt effects) setting with the decimal point on the numberpad to get a more vibrant and clear image:)PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST REINSTALL THE RESHADE FRAMEWORK FROM RESHADE.ME AND SELECT THE 'LiftGammaGain' effect in addition to the others to get the brightness fix. WHAT IS THIS?This is one of (at least) two cinematic reshades I'll have for Far Cry 5 that has tons of optional features with hotkeys to turn off the parts you don't want, like the letterboxing (black borders), DoF, film grain and more. This preset doesn't mess with the vanilla colors too much, but adds many cinematic effects which have all been custom calibrated over hours. I like to update my reshades frequently with improvements, refinements and new features, so please check back at least once a day for the first couple days after launch.I hope you like it! CRITICAL INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!!!You must follow the steps in this Critical Instructions section after installing the reshade files from reshade.me. CRASHING FIXES AND TROUBLESHOOTING1.
For me, the game crashes if I use any form of ReShade or SweetFx in fullscreen mode. So you must enable borderless window mode to use ReShade if yours also crashes when trying to load the game with Reshade enabled.2. Recently I've needed to rename my reshade files, 'dxgi.ini' and 'dxgi.dll' to 'd3d11.ini' and 'd3d11.dll', respectively, to get the game to stop crashing on launch.
Reshade enabled in - FAR CRY 5 graphics mod - gameplay PC HDR Improved Graphics Mod.
Also, you may need to use an older version of the ReShade 3.0 framework if you get an error message saying it can't recognize the file or whatever. Old versions are here, I recommended 3.1.1 or 3.0.8:3. I've tested and optimized this ReShade setting the game to ultra settings and changing the in-game contrast setting to 45, in the actual game's options-video-color menu. Tested on Ultra settings4. Someone recently reported that SLI+ReShade seems to crash their game. Disabling SLI fixed the issue for them.
Dungeon painter studio download. IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE:All the DoF effects you see are from the ReShade's DOF, not the one that come with the game's photo mode. So this DoF is active whenever you're actually playing the game, not just in screenshots.Bloom and Lens Flares: Adjust fBloomThreshold or the fBloomAmount up or down in very small increments (of about 10 or 20) until you are happy with how much bloom you want. Increasing fBloomThreshold the value will give less bloom, while increasing fBloomAmount will give you more bloom.To disable the lens flares from bright lightsources at night, like the torch or firebombs, look under the Bloom effect in the ReShade in-game menu and look for the setting 'bAnamFlareEnable' and change it from on to off with the drop down menu. You can reduce the amount it effects button prompts by raising the value - manually type in a higher number under 'bAnamFlarethreshold'.
I recommend raising the threshold value in increments of.001. At a total value of 1.0, the effect will never trigger.Brightness: If it is too dark lower the gamma setting in the in-game Reshade 'Tonemap' setting in increments of 20. OR raise the 'brightness' in the RehShade Technicolor 2 setting.DoF Quirks: To pull the DoF on far away out-of-focus areas closer to the player (and make it stronger), adjust DOFFarBlurCurve up or down. Increasing the value will give less blur and push the DoF starting point further away.A quirk, DOF cuts off for me the majority of the time and does so randomly. Never experienced an issue like this outside of this game, but it is configured if for those lucky enough not to have the frequent cutouts. CONTROLSAll of these are remappable once in game. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Abridged Version of instructions:Download latest version of ReShade from here:Run the.exe in admin mode and select FarCry5.exe in your Far Cry 5 main folder.
(if installed to Steam's default location, can usually be found here: '. SteamSteamAppscommonFar Cry 5bin' or if you downloaded from uplay, 'C:Program Files (x86)Ubisoft Game LaunchergamesFar Cry 5bin'Choose the DirectX 10+ versionSay yes when it ask if you want to download a collection of shaders. Have these following shaders selected and deselect any of the effects not listed here:LiftGammaGainAdaptiveSharpenBorderClarityFakeHDRTonemapTechnicolor2FilmGrainDOF (depth of field)BloomVignetteAmbientLightTiltShiftGuassianBlurNow download my preset here with the 'download' button below.
Rename that file 'anythingyouwant.ini', the most important part is that the files name now ends '.ini' instead of '.txt' like it did when you downloaded it. Put that file in your game's main folder where you found FarCry5.exe and where your reshade-shaders folder should now also be installed.Recently I've needed to rename my reshade files, 'dxgi.ini' and 'dxgi.dll' to 'd3d11.ini' and 'd3d11.dll', respectively, to get the game to stop crashing on launch.Run your game and after you get a message in a grey box saying reshade effects have loaded, press Shift+F2 simultaneously to open the in-game ReShade GUI. Select the.ini file from that drop down menu. Toggle the effect with scroll-lock key.
You can change these keys in the ReShade's settings menu.Click continue until the boxes go from red to gray/clear.Now follow the steps in the Critical Instructions section.Done. Your new ReShade should be making your game look fapping sexy by this point.quoteStep-by-Step Instructions (same results as abridged, just, more methodically written out for those new to ReShades or modding):1. Download the Reshade 3.0.8 (or latest version if different) from here2. Scroll to bottom of page and download whatever the latest version advertised is.Run the.exe that you just downloaded.
Probably best to copy it to your desktop or somewhere first outside your downloads folder.Follow the steps it tells you selecting yes everything it asks.2. Select your 'FarCry5.exe' which is in the main folder of the game.3. Select the DirectX 10+ version after you select the 'FarCry5.exe'4. Run your game, if it crashes on launch, then - rename my reshade files, 'dxgi.ini' and 'dxgi.dll' to 'd3d11.ini' and 'd3d11.dll',respectively, to get the game to stop crashing on launch.
Run your game again.As your game loads up, you should see a grey box popup in the top of the screen saying it's loading all the reshade effects.Once it's done, hit 'shift+F2' and follow the promps. The most important thing is to hit the plus symbol next near the top of the Reshade GUI and type any name you want.Follow the other prompts until the boxes turn from red to black or grey or whatever indicates you're done with the very short tutorial.You can leave your game open or close it for this next step.5. Go back to your game's main folder, where the 'FarCry5.exe' is and look for that file you just created with whatever name you gave. It should be a.ini file.6. Open the.ini file and replace all the text with the text from my preset on this page.Save the file.
Run your game or alt tab back to it. And then do step 7 if you your game is still running.7. Reopen the Reshade GUI with Shift+f2 and click the click 'reload'. The new effects should start loading with my custom settings.PROFIT!UNINSTALLING1. Delete the Reshade folder, dxgi.ini, dxgi.dll, and dxgi.log from your game folder.
That's it.Enjoy, leave comments below if you're having trouble installing or better yet youtube a Resahde 3.0+ install guide. It's extremely easy.You may notice a slight decrease in performance, but it should still be pretty similar FPS to what you usually get. The visual difference is night and day to me and I can't ever go back to vanilla.
Far Cry 2 Mods
Far Cry 5 Sebicus Reshade is a mod for Far Cry 5, created by.Description:This is a Reshade preset that makes the graphics colors more realistic. It doesn't have DOF or Borders. Hope you enjoy it.How to install:Download the Reshade.exe and run it. Follow the steps it asks you by selecting yes to everything.Select your 'FarCry5.exe' which is in the bin subfolder of the main folder of the game.Select the DirectX 10+ version after you select the 'FarCry5.exe'.Run the game. As your game loads up, you should see a grey box popup in the top of the screen saying it's loading all the reshade effects. Once it's done, hit 'Shift+F2' and follow the promps.
The most important thing is to hit the plus symbol next near the top of the Reshade GUI and type any name you want. Follow the other prompts until the boxes turn from red to black or grey or whatever indicates you're done with the very short tutorial. You have to check on box in the upper part of the GUI. Now you can leave your game open or close it for this next step.Go back to the game's folder, where the 'FarCry5.exe' is and look for that file you just created with whatever name you gave. It should be a.ini file.Open the.ini file and replace all the text with the text from my preset.

Save the file. Run your game or alt tab back to it. And then do step 7 if you your game is still running reopen the Reshade GUI with 'Shift+F2' and click the click 'Reload'. The new effects should start loading with my custom preset.?.IMPORTANT!!!??ONLY if the game crashes after you installed the reshade, go back to the game's folder, where 'FarCry5.exe' is and change the name of dxgi.dll and dxgi.ini to d3d11.dll and d3d11.ini.