How Much Does The Average Music Producer Make

Real producers typically will make between 40k and 250k a year,depending on location.Some make millions.Note that when you factor in everyone who calls themselves a'producer' and not just the very serious, founded ones, that floordrops to about 1k-100k a year. In other words, it is strictlyquality-dependent. Anyone can call themselves a producer; there'sno licensing or education requirement so the question is somewhatmoot.It depends whether you're Quincy Jones, Babyface, or if you livein Wyoming. The scale is all over the map.
Music Producer Degree
This Song Production Cost Calculator is based on data from thousands of song production jobs we've facilitated. It is intended to give a rough estimate of the total cost of producing a song by breaking down the different components of the song production process, and looking at average costs for different levels of pros for each. Record producers are music industry professionals who supervise the recording of a record. Producer duties can range those of a musical engineer, overseeing the capturing of sound on tape, to those of an artist, offering creative direction to the musicians. Producers generally will get advances on these fees as well. New producers receive between zero and $3,500 per song; mid-level producer get $3,500 to $7,500 per song; and famous produces receive an advance of between $10,000 and $15,000 per song.
Average Pay For Music Producer
Sometimes their take islinked to sales.It depends on his quality of work, marketing techniques, etc.There's no real limit on how much one can earn. It's all a matterof how talented you are and how much you put into it as a career.