Ublock Origin Not Blocking Pop Ups
Hello, first of all i hope this is the right place for this now! (I'm Sorry for posting this in the first place first,)So there is an issue with ublock origin and the Openload video player.Whenever you click on an openload video, it opens at least 2 ads as popup tabs.Openload seems to be packed with ads, i tried everything including working through the logger but stil couldnt solve the problem. In the end there was always 1 ad / popup left, that doesnt want to be blocked. Thanks for the quick responses!i know the pop up switch is only per site, i tried it and cant open anything in a new tab on that site than, and yes its the same site where i watch openload videos, so thats the issue.but i tried, even with the no pop up switch on, i stil got the same popups!your filter unfortunately didnt do muchthanks but also this filter didnt do muchto be clear, do you mean nothing pops up at all, or it pops up and closes right away?because thats the case for me now, the pop ups dont stay open, they close themselves right away.
UBlock is the ideal ad blocker for stopping unwanted ads and speeding up your browsing experience. UBlock will block annoying ads, obnoxious video ads, and intrusive trackers. It also functions as a pop up blocker and helps protect against some forms of malware.
Blocking Pop Ups On Android

I mean that can't be it, right?!i did what you said, here is the logger with everything that has 'pop' in itthis is how it looks like without any costum filters / rules, just the ones i listed.My uBO panel looks like this:i tried again with the 2 suggested filters:openload.co##script:inject(noeval.js).$popup,domain=openload.coand did the same thing. The logger showed an additional block, but the behaviour and popups were the same:its almost always the same:the first click opens the data:text/. popupthe second click makes my screen go white for a split second, and forces the chrome window out of 'maximized'.
Really strange(sometimes there is only 1 popup, but that is rare most of the time its 2). : This is not quite correct. Openload have really obfuscated js code, but this is to guard link to the video. Advertising code is not obfuscated. Noeval.js is not proper solution for this site.Take a look at their inline scripts. I still get the popup.
It is closed by uBlock, but there is easy fix to make it go away completely.All you need to do is inject window.turnoff = true; They check the value before executing the ads code. Not sure how long it will be there tho. Anyway we can always block inline scripts one by one if needed. But for now turnoff disables all popunder code.
When you say by design, do you mean uBO design or adblocking design generally?because just to TRY i used the addon adguard, and there it didnt even open any popup.i know its good that uBO closes the opened popups so fast, but i wanted to ask for a solution to prevent those popups from opening AT ALL.btw openload is not the only site that does this, i dont have an example now but can say it happened elsewhere too.thanks but again the filters didnt change anything.im glad you understand my point, and happy to see you solved it. I would like to avoid using more addons though (greasemonkey)any idea how i can get this done with ublock?i couldve sticked with adguard (dont know if this is forbidden to mention or something, sorry if yes)but i prefer ublock in any way so i returned to it, its just this openload issue.anyway, would appreciate any help if gorhill doesnt have time to look into this. But after i saw that adguard can do this, i kinda think it should be possible with ublock too right? (in chrome)False. A popup opened and didn't close with AdGuard for your link in 1st-comment (just clear the cookies and try).AdGuard does not block popups any better than uBO. Where uBO injects code in a page to prevent popups, it works just fine, and this is the case for a whole lot of popads.net-based sites. But I am not going to spend huge amount of time on a non-issue.

Read carefully: there is no blocking, synchronous API for window/tab opening, just asynchronous notifications - and even if there was, as said, a page can first open a window/tab with the about:blank or whatever else is not meant to be blocked as a popup.
How To Use Ublock Origin
. Fix for the 1MB storage limit in Edge; almost all third party sources should be working now. Fixed: websocket blocked when easylist match. When uBO encounters the filter option other, it will internally add the filter option websocket to the filter. This is to keep compatibility with filter lists which are meant to be compatible with ABP, which categorizes websocket requests as other. Empty ad boxes via adchoices showing up on msn.com.
Filter option other should not trigger strict blocking. Here's how you sideload the extension on Edge:. Download the and extract it to a folder. Enter about:flags in Edge's address bar, and toggle Enable extension developer features. From the Extensions menu, click on the Load extension button and select the folder where you extracted the.zip file.Edge will disable sideloaded extensions when you exit the browser, so you'll have to re-enable uBlock Origin manually each time you open the browser again. The uBlock Origin extension is still labeled as a 'pre-release' version, so be aware you will likely see some bugs pop up.
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