Star Wars Battlefront 2 Space To Ground


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Mod: 2: mod: El FabricioThis map pack delivers one of the most sought after features, space to ground combat, to a number of custom maps. Take the battle from space, to the skies as well as the ground in this truly immersive mod.Twitter: for watching!

WarsSpaceStar Wars Battlefront 2 Space To Ground

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Space To Ground Map Pack 3

This is version 1.1. Of the Space to Ground Mappack, featuring space to ground battles including Naboo, Hoth, and Coruscant. Read More Download 'Star Wars Battlefront II Space to Ground Mappack one' (527.09MB). Before the cancellation of Star Wars Battlefront 3 it was promised that the game would have ground to space battles, something that was slightly featured in the original Star Wars Battlefront 2. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Single Player Trailer. Ignite the inferno and burn the Rebellion to the ground in Star Wars Battlefront 2's single-player campaign. Take on the role of Commander Iden Versio in a story following the destruction of the Death Star II and the death of the Emperor.

DICE’s original was designed with the goal to, but this year’s sequel dreams bigger than that. Rather than focusing just on George Lucas’ original trilogy, is targeting Star Wars fans young and old.At Star Wars Celebration today, Electronic Arts and developers DICE and Motive Studios revealed that Star Wars Battlefront 2 will feature battles from Star Wars’ three cinematic eras: the original trilogy, the prequels and the recently launched sequels.“My first touchpoint with Star Wars was the original trilogy,” said Bernd Diemer, creative director at DICE. “But there are so many kids whose first experience with Star Wars was the prequels.”Naturally, there are some relatively new Star Wars fans whose introduction to the series is Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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