Best Thief Fan Missions


On the contrary I dislike a majority of Thief 2's missions even if there are some gems such as the Bank, Life of the Party, Blackmail, Trail of Blood, Masks or Soulforge. TDS has a couple of good to great levels like The museum, the Cradle, the Hammer Cathedral and the Overlook Manse. Here's my list: 5.

I have this clear memory of playing the first Thief, crouching against the wall in a dark stairwell as a guard walked closer. I held my breath until he passed, hidden in a shadow inches away. The games in the original Thief trilogy were all about light and darkness, with a “light gem” at the bottom of the screen to indicate whether you were really in the dark, reducing the guesswork created by the oddities of first-person bodies and your own screen settings. It’s an obvious idea more stealth games should borrow.A a lot of things from the original Thief games didn’t become standard in the genre, and even the 2014 reboot/sequel didn’t pick up on some of them.

For that we have The Dark Mod.Modders had been making fan missions for the first two Thief games for years before organizing themselves into Broken Glass Studios (in homage to Thief creators Looking Glass) and making The Dark Mod. The catalyst was Doom 3, another game all about light and darkness. Its engine, with real-time shadow propagation and solid physics interactions, was perfect for a stealth game. The first version of The Dark Mod required Doom 3 installed on your system, but with the release of its source code in 2011 The Dark Mod became a standalone game with a growing library of missions to download from its in-game client – over 100 of them so far, with new ones still being made.To prevent legal trouble The Dark Mod has its own steampunk-ish setting that modders agree to use, one that resembles the original Thief games closely – even more so than the remake, to be honest – but uses different names. The religious zealots are Builders rather than Hammerites, the skeletal undead are Revenants not Haunts, and the backdrop for all this is called Bridgeport rather than The City and is part of an alternate history Europe instead of a fantasy setting.

In play it still feels like Thief in spite of these changes.Here are some of the missions that demonstrate that best. Thief’s DenThief’s Den is a small map. There’s a street, some rooms accessible via rooftops, and a building belonging to a rival thief who has stolen a scepter that you stole from somebody else. Thief’s Den is tight, both in the sense of feeling enclosed and lacking extraneous clutter.

I wish there were more fan missions like it. There are several follow-ups, all much bigger. Thief’s Den 3: The Heart of Lone Salvation is a strong one, tasking you with stealing a lucky gem from a corrupt lord. You can choose from three different amounts of guards in the level, which is a more interesting way of setting difficulty than just choosing how high the loot quota is. RequiemAt the other end of the scale, Requiem is a multi-stage mission with changing objectives. It begins as a break-in at a Builder cathedral during a memorial service, but expands in different directions before it’s done.

Requiem is one of several missions to build on The Dark Mod’s cosmology, differentiating the Builders from their Hammerite inspirations – that means there are a lot of books and scrolls full of history to find, as well as the expected letters where someone records their last words and ends with ellipses. William Steele: In The NorthIn The North is another mission that adds to the setting, this one taking place in a town called Braedon, north of Bridgeport (hence the name). You won’t see the town, as the entire map is the inside of a snowbound mansion converted from an old Builder church and still haunted by its past. The current owner’s no saint, with a secret network behind the walls for spying on the women in his employ, just in case you need some motivation for robbing him blind. Thomas Porter 3: Glenham TowerEvery Thief game needs to abruptly shift into horror halfway through, and The Dark Mod makes frequent use of undead if that’s your thing.

Glenham Tower (part of a series starring the same protagonist, but playable in any order) is about descending through a building full of zombies and revenants to steal a grimoire, with the additional complication that the tower’s falling apart. Stairs and even the floor break beneath you, and at one point I wound up stuck down a hole shooting rope arrows up at wooden protrusions that broke off as soon as I hit them while skeletons mocked me from the top. Talbot 2: Return to the CityTalbot’s another returning protagonist, one from a fan mission for the original Thief called Prowler of the Dark. In Return to the City he has to make it through heavily patrolled streets full of guards wearing helmets, which means they can’t be blackjacked – a nod to realism that stymies my preferred playstyle of piling everyone in a corner then exploring in safety. The ultimate goal is to steal explosives from a Builder workshop. The Dark Mod’s object manipulation means you can grab things with a right click, then centre-click to spin them round.

Return to the City makes clever use of that once you find the explosives and need to squeeze them out of a barred cell. LuciaA couple of missions come pre-installed with The Dark Mod, including a Training Mission that’s both tutorial and a decent set of challenges to play around with. Lucia is a full-fledged story though, depicting another break-in at a Builder temple. There’s some nice world-building, with posters stuck on walls that refer to characters and events from other missions. That’s common to Dark Mod levels – friendly references to the community’s other work that connects them and contributes toward the sense of a larger world, as well as connections between creators.

There are no Keepers or characters like Viktoria, but The Dark Mod’s setting has grown into its own thing, in spite of borrowing a lot from Thief before filing off any incriminating owner’s marks. The CreepsI’ve saved my favourite for last.

The Creeps is another horror level and another small one, so I won’t say too much to spoil it except to say that it does a clever thing with lights that gave me a start. Another thing I like about The Creeps is that it has a voiced protagonist who mutters a few lines at relevant points. Something I miss from Thief is Garrett’s cynical commentary, musing to himself about whether the books in someone’s fancy library even have words or are just for show.

Much as I like The Dark Mod it is missing Garrett and the sense of continuity his story gave those games – when I finish a mission in The Dark Mod there’s usually just a stats screen waiting at the end, and an unconnected mission in my download queue.The Dark Mod’s flaws are few though. I’ve encountered a handful of bugs, and I’m not a big fan of the lockpicking minigame – all about listening to a series of clicks and a clunk, finding the precise moment of silence between them to let go of the mouse. Still, The Dark Mod is a better homage to the Thief trilogy than the official 2014 release and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it over that. This is a game that understands the pleasure of waiting in shadows for someone to walk past, that has no boss fights or scripted events that jarringly move you into position for a cutscene.The Dark Mod’s a living thing too. New missions are still being made, with three new additions already this year.

It made it through Steam Greenlight in March, and will come to Steam at some point. There’s no reason to wait though, there’s plenty to be getting on with already and those scepters and gemstones aren’t going to steal themselves.

SPOILER WARNING: This page contains every Thief Simulator story mission and includes 's dialogue between missions, as well as tips/walkthroughs for completing each step.Throughout the game, the will be working for the Lombardis, a crime family that he owes money to for bailing him out of jail. He will receive phone calls from his main contact and primary antagonist, Vinny, who is the only character in the game with true dialogue. (The police, security guards, and tenants with guns will say a few words, but that has nothing to do with the story.) Following these missions will see the thief's debt paid, and then repayed with something a little extra from the Lombardis. This will also unlock the added after the end game credits are watched.A few notes:. Vinny's Dialogue is written how it is written in the game, which may include some spelling/grammar errors. The monetary reward value listed below for each mission is a combined value of all mission steps. Rewards in the form of loot/XP the player has an opportunity to pick up during the mission are not included in the list below.

See the individual house pages for available loot and values. Mission steps and dialogue in green will be skipped if completed ahead of time.

Many of these missions cannot be skipped because the target items do not spawn until the mission is initiated. Contents Mission:Tutorial Part 1Location(s):,Reward(s):NoneItem(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:Crowbar, Flashlight, Minor loot from Greenview 110Walkthrough:The tutorial is fairly self-explanatory, since each step is meant to introduce the player to various aspects of gameplay. Pick up and equip the crowbar, use it to break 111's fence, then sneak through the yard without being seen by either tenant. On the way to 110, a flashlight will be found on the ground. Pick it up and turn it on, then use the crowbar to break one of 110's windows. Once inside, steal at least the toaster or cash on the kitchen counter, then leave out the front window. (Stealing all items will help boost the thief's starting money.) Head down the sidewalk to the right to find a car waiting for the thief, then get in and drive up the road to the immediate right.Phonecall #1:'Hey, it's me, Vinny.

Pick up that crowbar and listen up. We've got a lot of ground to cover.' Mission Steps:.

Pick up the crowbar default: EPhonecall #2:'The Lombardi's paid your bail. They're generous men, but they're all about reciprocity, if you know what I mean. Let's see if you're up to the job.

Knock over that house for me. The last one.'

Mission Steps:. Quick slot the crowbar in the menu default: I. Hold crowbar in your hand. Break the fence default: left mouse button. Sneak by the window default: C. Avoid LightPhonecall #3:'Hey, some dope left a flashlight on the ground.

Take it, but don't let nobody see the light and call the cops.' Mission Steps:. Pick up the flashlight default: E.

Break the window with the a crowbar default: Left Mouse Button. Toggle FlashlightPhonecall #4:'Good job. Time to redistribute a little wealth.' Mission Steps:.

Steal some stuff, use the flashlight default: FPhonecall #5:'Time to bail, man. Get in the car. Don't let nobody see you with that crowbar.' Mission Steps:.


Hide the crowbar. Go outside to your car. Get inside the car. Start the engine. Drive out of the locationMission:Tutorial Part 2Location(s):,Reward(s):$60Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:Old TVWalkthrough:Continuing the tutorial, head inside the garage and get some sleep. An hour's sleep is all that's required to get the next call prompting players to check the computer. Vinny will introduce the thief to two websites:.

The first available hints on the forums must be purchased, but they're free of charge. Grab them and head to the car; a new option to visit the Pawn Shop will be available when the car is started.Sell everything that was stolen from, then head back to Greenview and visit 109.

Use the crowbar to break in the back of the fence, then break in a window and locate the TV in the bedroom. Don't forget to grab the key to the front door from the night stand next to the bed. Grab the TV and haul it out the front door, then carry the TV back to the car and store it in the trunk.

Back at the garage, Vinny will finish the computer tutorial by introducing and, then the player will need to accept the job he's placed on the website.Mission Steps:. Go insidePhonecall #1:'Good job, man.

This just might work. Go get some sleep and we'll pick this up in the morning.' Mission Steps:.

Get some sleep at your placePhonecall #2:'Check the computer. There's a few things I need to tell you.' Mission Steps:. Check the computerPhonecall #2 Cont'd:'Tools4Thieves lets you buy new kit online. But you might not have what it takes to use 'em all. Click on StealYourForum.'

Phonecall #2 Cont'd:'Here you can buy secrets. Hot tips on what's where, who's guarding it, who leaves their door unlocked, whatever. Check out what I wrote on Greenview 109.' Mission Steps:. Buy hints for Greenview 109Phonecall #3:'Great, now go to your car.'

Mission Steps:. Go to your carPhonecall #4:'Go hawk your loot at the pawn shop first. You'll need empty pockets at Greenview 109.' Mission Steps:.

Sell stuff at the pawn shopPhonecall #5:'It's time for Greenview 109. Get me that TV, and don't pawn it off.' Mission Steps:. Steal an Old TV from Greenview 109 (load it in the car trunk and drive home)Phonecall #6:'I see you got my screen. Go to BlackBay.' Mission Steps:. Go to your computerPhonecall #6 Cont'd:'I set up a page on there for the TV.

Go there and sell it.' Mission Steps:. Sell the old TV on BlackBayPhonecall #6 Cont'd:'Good work. Now, click on the Rent-A-Thug tab.' Mission Steps:. Check the Rent-A-Thug websitePhonecall #6 Cont'd:'Here you can find a little extra work.

I put one on there just for you. The one with the dishes.'

Mission Steps:. Accept job at Rent-A-ThugMission:Break 110's DishesLocation(s):,Reward(s):$50Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:DIY Simple Lockpick (If not already purchased)Walkthrough:This mission could also be considered part of the tutorial, since it introduces the player to side jobs from the website. It's a good idea to already have at least one DIY Simple Lockpick by now, but if not, the rest of the mission will take the player through the steps to acquire the skill and item. Head back to Greenview, break into 110, then use the crowbar to break the dishes on the counter in the living room/bedroom. If the player has not yet learned lockpicking level 1 or purchased a DIY lockpick, will take this opportunity to grumble at the thief about it.

Whether yelled at or skipped, head back to the garage and use the training lock to earn another call from Vinny.Phonecall #1:'Okay. Now, drive back to 110, and break some dishes with a crowbar.'

Best Thief Fan Missions List

Mission Steps:. Break the dishes at 110Phonecall #2:'I just heard you don't even know how to pick a lock!

Go learn the basics. I'm sure you've got enough skill by now.' Mission Steps:.

Learn Lockpicking Lvl 1Phonecall #3:'Great. Now, go buy yourself a DIY Simple Lockpick on Tools4Thieves.' Mission Steps:. Buy DIY Simple Lockpick on Tools4ThievesPhonecall #4:'Before you get yourself into trouble, try it on a training lock. I left one in the garage.' Mission Steps:.

Open the training lock in your garageMission:The Important BoxLocation(s):Reward(s):$100Item(s) Required:Item(s) Acquired:Box with Shady ContentWalkthrough:This mission introduces the to tenant routines. It's not necessary to wait until 7:00 AM to move the mission forward; however, that is the time when one tenant is out while another is home but close to leaving. From the nearby parking lot, the thief can walk up a concrete slab near 111's fence, then look over the fence and through the barred windows. Mark the tenant still at home, then wait for him to leave. Use the DIY lockpick to go in through the front door-the windows cannot be broken into because of the bars. Take the box from the bathroom, then head back to the garage and sell it on.Phonecall #1:'You did a good job on that old TV in the empty house.

Best Thief Fan Missions

For a real job, you gotta scope the joint. Go to one eleven by 7 AM, and watch.'

Mission Steps:. Go to Greenview 111 around 7am and mark the tenant (default: middle mouse button)Phonecall #1:'There's a box in there. Wait for them to leave and get me that box.' Mission Steps:.

Wait til no one is home and steal the important box from 111. Send the box via BlackBayMission:Break 112's WindowLocation(s):Reward(s):$100Item(s) Required:Item(s) Acquired:NoneWalkthrough:By now, players should be regularly checking for side missions to do alongside the main ones; they will help raise the thief's funds and XP more quickly. For this mission, simply head up to 112, smash a window with the crowbar, then run away. The player is free to leave at this point, but there is time and opportunity to loot the house if the are evaded.Phonecall #1:'The Lombardi's think their friend on Greenview 112 needs a new window, but they think the one they got's fine. Go prove 'em wrong.' Mission Steps:. Break a window in 112 then hide or run awayMission:Break 113's ToiletLocation(s):,Reward(s):$150Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:Lockpick (If not already purchased)Walkthrough:Once again, if the player hasn't learned lockpicking level 2 yet, will insist on doing so before the next mission.

A new training lock will appear and need to be interacted with before the next call. Purchase a lockpick (two or more would be ideal), pick the training lock, then head to 113. An open window in the back gives easy access to the house interior, but all one really needs to do is break the window to the bathroom, climb through it, then break the toilet and climb back out. Return to the garage for the next mission.Phonecall #1:'You need to learn how to deal with standard locks.' Mission Steps:. Learn Lockpicking Lvl 2 (level up by stealing stuff). Open a standard training lock.Phonecall #2:'If it ain't broke, fix it with a crowbar!

Word on the street is the toilet in Greenview 113 is not broke.' Mission Steps:. Break the toilet in 113 (buy hints for help)Mission:Break a Car WindowLocation(s):Reward(s):$350Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:NoneWalkthrough:It isn't necessary for the thief to purchase the climbing gloves to advance this mission, but it can help considerably.

Learn agility level 2, then will tell the thief to break a car window. Greenview 104 is a townhouse connected to two others in a row, with a connecting back yard that can be more discreet than the front.With climbing gloves, the thief can enter 104 from the front balcony using a lockpick on the door. The garage is one level down on the first floor; breaking either window with the crowbar will satisfy the mission requirement. Stay and loot, or leave out of the garage door and return home for the next call.Phonecall #1:'For the next task, I need you to learn how to climb a lattice. Like a man-spider, you know?'

Mission Steps:. Learn Agility 2 (level up by stealing stuff)Phonecall #2:'Hey, you know what else ain't broke, is Greenview 104's windshield.' Mission Steps:.

Break a car window in 104Mission:The TV at 108Location(s):Reward(s):$500 - $1200 if the TV is stolen instead of broken.Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:TV worth $700 (Optional)Walkthrough:108's front yard is pretty open and so is a window on the second floor. Use the lattice in front of the porch to climb up and slip through the window. The TV in question is in the room to the right of the window, which requires the mini electric lock pick to open. The TV can be smashed with a crowbar if the player wants to end the mission quickly, but carrying it out one of the windows will earn the thief an additional $700 when it's sold at the.Phonecall #1:'You're still weak on the lockpicks. Up your game.'

Mission Steps:. Learn lockpicking Lvl 3Phonecall #2:'Greenview 108 spends way too much time in front of the TV. Be a good neighbor and help him out.' Mission Steps:. Break or steal a big TV in 108Mission:The Heirloom BraceletLocation(s):,Reward(s):$300 - $800 if the Heirloom Bracelet is sold.Item(s) Required:, Heirloom BraceletItem(s) Acquired:Heirloom Bracelet worth $500Walkthrough:There are vines growing on the left side of the fence near the back. Climb over and use the mini electric lock pick on the back door. Sneak upstairs and turn left, then pass through the open corridor to the bedroom.

The heirloom bracelet is sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. Leave through a window and climb back over the same fence to escape.At the garage, the thief needs to disassemble the bracelet to finish the mission.

Approach the workbench along the back wall and interact with it. Select the heirloom bracelet from the menu, then select a gem to get started. The interaction button needs to be held in order to remove the gem from its setting. Do this for all the gems, then the next mission will begin.Phonecall #1:'You don't want someone to see their own necklace at the pawn shop. You gotta break it down first.'

Mission Steps:. Learn Appraisal Lvl 2Phonecall #2:'Greenview 107 don't like our protection plan. I hope nothing happens to the jewelry in their bedroom.'

Mission Steps:. Steal jewelry from 107Phonecall #3:'Always remember to break down the jewelry.

There's a tool for it in the shop.' Mission Steps:. Disassemble the jewelry at homeMission:Important DocumentsLocation(s):Reward(s):$600Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:None (The documents disappear immediately)Walkthrough:A can be used on the gate to the left of the front door, but it's more discreet to climb over the vines along the back of the fence. Head left around the house to the windows of the main bedroom. The tenants never enter their own bedroom, so the thief can easily open one of the windows with a glass cut knife.

The documents are in the safe next to the bed; use the safecracking tools to open it, then climb right back out the window and head back over the back yard fence. For future visits, a key to the front door is kept in the garage.Phonecall #1:'A professional knows how to handle a real safe. Are your lock picking skills up to the job?'

Mission Steps:. Learn Lockpicking skill Lvl 4. Open the training safe at homePhonecall #2:'An important document has gone missing from Mister Lombardi's desk.

I got a feeling it's in Greenview 102. Be a good debt slave and check it out for me.' Mission Steps:. Steal documents from 102Mission:A Special TabletLocation(s):,Reward(s):$1160Item(s) Required:, Cleared Leovon 100,Item(s) Acquired:Leovon 100 to clear, Cleared Leovon 100Walkthrough:Oddly enough, this mission does not start with a call from. As soon as the documents are retrieved from, the player gets the task of marking a camera at 101. Simply walk across the street from 102 and stand at the door of the gate to 101. The security camera is close enough to be marked just by looking up and to the right.

Notice that the camera's line of sight covers the sidewalk beyond the gate-it will have to be disabled before the thief can get in.A power box can be found behind the house. Use a Lockpick to open it, then flip the switch to turn off the security camera. Security will be turned back on in about five minutes, but that's nothing to worry about once in the yard. Use the Lockpick on the front gate, then climb the lattice in front of the porch. The safe with the tablet is under the window to the right.

Use a glass knife to open the window, climb in, then open the safe and get the goods.If the security camera is on again, the player can use the car gate to escape the lot. Back at the garage, Vinny will require the thief to learn Electronics level 1 if he hasn't already, then hack the tablet at the laptop near the couch. Send the tablet on BlackBay once it's ready.Mission Steps:.

Mark the camera in 101Phonecall #1:'You know how to wipe a mobile, right? See that you do.' Mission Steps:. Steal a tablet from 101 (get a glass knife)Phonecall #2:'That tablet you got there is special.

Wipe it and send it to me as proof.' Mission Steps:. Learn Electronics skill Lvl 1Phonecall #3:'It's time to check your hacking skills. Make sure to buy the right tools.' Mission Steps:.

Hack the tablet at homePhonecall #4:'Good work. At this rate, we'll be done with you in no time. Now send me the tablet on BlackBay.' Mission Steps:. Send the tablet via BlackBayMission:Car Theft 101Location(s):Reward(s):$1,000 - $2,900 if the Bolthorn is taken apart and sold.Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:Bolthorn 86 ClassicWalkthrough:Players should still be familiar with this home from the mission to break a car window.

Climb the vines on the right side of the balcony, then use a Lockpick to open the door. Head downstairs and enter the garage at the end of the hall. Use the Car Lock Pick Gun to open the truck's door, then climb in and hotwire the car. Don't forget to open the garage for a quick getaway.Phonecall #1:'You know they buy car parts on BlackBay, right? But you gotta skill up if you want something to sell.' Mission Steps:.

Learn Car Theft skill Lvl 1Phonecall #2:'It's best to learn from practice. I know an old car you could bring in. You know, for maintenance.' Mission Steps:.

Steal Bolthorn 86 Classic from 104Mission:Package for 204Location(s):,Reward(s):$1600Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:NoneWalkthrough:Use the mini electric lock pick on the front gate, but watch out for the camera to the left of the path. Head to the right across the lawn and to the side of the house. Use the glass knife on the second set of windows; the nightstand in question will be to the left once the thief climbs in. Head back out by retracing his steps.Phonecall #1:'Now you're ready for the real deal. You keep this up and you'll be a debt free man. We left a box by your gate. Mission Steps:.

Pick up the box near your gatePhonecall #2:'Go to Richie R. Two-oh-four and stick it (in) his bedroom drawer. Don't let him see you.' Mission Steps:. Deliver the box to Richie R 204 and return, (remember to mark the cameras) unnoticedMission:The Hidden CameraLocation(s):,Reward(s):$3770Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:Walkthrough:This house is a bit more challenging due to the glass cut sensors on the windows, spacious front lawn, and lack of windows along the back. Additionally, there are three security cameras in the front with moving lines of sight.

Use the mini electric lock pick to open the gate, wait for the first camera to make room, then head to the right in front of the nearby bushes. Wait for the second security camera to pan away from the driveway, then make a run for the house's front wall. The third camera pans in front of the porch; wait for it to move, then get on the porch and use the PDA to unlock the front door.Things are much easier once inside. The panel for the security cameras is on a wall close to the grandfather clock in the hallway. Head to the end of the hall from the front door, then turn left to find that panel and the living room. Plant the camera on a shelf, disable the security, then head back out the front door.The thief needs to sleep for at least an hour to advance the mission. If he sleeps in a parking lot, he will still have to return home to get Vinny's next call.

Cheap Thief Missions

Head back to 206 and repeat the above steps to get the camera. Sell it on BlackBay to get another call.Phonecall #1:'You're doing alright, you know that? For the next job, go skill up on electronics for me.' Mission Steps:. Learn electronics skill Lvl 2. Disable test alarm at homePhonecall #2:'You'll need a hidden camera.

Mission Steps:. Buy a micro cameraPhonecall #3:'We need you (to) plant a camera. Go to two-oh-six and stick it in the living room. Mission Steps:.

Plant a micro camera in the living room of 206 unnoticed. Get some sleepPhonecall #4:'It's time to get our cam. Go fetch it and bring it in. It's just the thing we need to wrap this up.' Mission Steps:. Take the micro camera from the living room of 206 unnoticed. Send the micro camera via BlackBayMission:Repo Man at 201Location(s):Reward(s):$2,000 - $10,900 if the Bolthorn Family MkV is taken apart and sold.Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:Bolthorn Family MkVWalkthrough:This entire mission can be skipped if the player has already stolen the car, but that will also skip over the reward money.

There is a smaller yard connected to the main one that is very close to the nearby parking lot. Climbg over that fence and pick the gate; watch out for the moving camera posted at the upper corner to the right of the window. To open the car gate, the thief will need to sneak in through a window on the wall to the left-The car gate switch is in the kitchen, which should be on his right.Once inside, the garage is down the hall and to the left. Players should disable the security cameras from the panel near the hall entrance before entering the garage. The Bolthorn has an alarm that needs to be disabled first, but then it's just a matter of using the drill in the door, hotwiring it, and driving out. The nearest neighborhood exit is to the right.Phonecall #1:'If you want a good car, you gotta disable the alarm.' Mission Steps:.

Learn car stealing lvl 2Phonecall #2:'There's a car on two-oh-one and it's got something inside that belongs to us. Go bring it in.'

Mission Steps:. Steal Bolthorn Family MkV from 201Mission:Message to 205Location(s):Reward(s):$4,000 - $18,500 if the Vulcan Spectre is taken apart and sold.Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:Vulcan SpectreWalkthrough:This is a fairly quick and easy mission if done between the hours of 11:00 PM - 4:00 AM, when the security guard is on the other side of the house. Climb the column of vines on the back of the fence close to the garage, then move around the garage to the front of the house. The thief can climb the blue gutter and reach a balcony with an unlocked door. The tenant will be in his bedroom, which is on the first floor and down the hall behind the staircase.

Use the security panel at the entrance of the hall to disable the security cameras-there is one in the hallway that can't be walked around.The thief only needs to be on the opposite side of the wall to clone the key signal from the tenant. Head back out the hall and stop by the piano, where the car gate switch can be found. A door to the garage is across the room to the left of the piano. Open the garage door, then drive out in the Vulcan Spectre.

Watch out for the sharp turn.Phonecall #1:'To get past security you have to think out of the box and learn how to climb pipes.' Mission Steps:. Leran agility skill lvl 4Phonecall #2:'The best cars have electronic locks. You're gonna have to learn a new trick.' Mission Steps:.

Learn car stealing (car theft) lvl 3. Buy a car key signal clonerPhonecall #3:'We want to send a message to Mister Torres. Get me his car. He's always got the key on him so you need to steal its signal.' Mission Steps:. Clone key signal from Mr.

Torres in 205. Steal Vulcan Spectre from the garage of 205Mission:The ReplicaLocation(s):Reward(s):Item(s) Required:,Item(s) Acquired:'Cottage by Picasso' replicaWalkthrough:This is the second-to-last mission, and it's initiated without any prompt from Vinny. Head to the right side of 202, where a single column of vines are clinging to the wall. Climb over, then mark a security camera next to the guard station. Stay to the right of the camera's line-of-sight and stop at a black lamp post between some bushes along the driveway.

There is another security camera to mark, standing in some bushes across the drive. Sneak across to drive to get behind the bushes, then look to the right. The shed is easy to see and reach. Use a DIY Lockpick to open it and retrieve the painting.Retrace the thief's steps, then throw the painting over the short part of the wall.

Turn around and there will be a large rock to the right. Climb on top of that rock, then use a sprinting run to get back over the fence.Mission Steps:. Steal panting replica from 202Phonecall #1:'The last house has the best electronic locks around. Make sure you're ready, cause this job matters.' Mission Steps:. Learn electronics skill lvl 3.

Buy hacking laptopMission:The Real (Final) DealLocation(s):,Reward(s):$4200Item(s) Required:, 'Cottage by Picasso' replica, 'Cottage by Picasso'Item(s) Acquired:'Cottage by Picasso'Walkthrough:Phonecall #1:'I'll let you in on a little secret. This job, right now? You do this and you're a free man. Break the alarms, take the painting and leave the fake. Don't come back without the real thing.'

Mission Steps:. Swap painting with replica in wall gap in 208.

Steal the 'Cottage by Picasso' painting from 208Phonecall #2:'Great work. Send us the painting on BlackBay, and then we'll be done with you. Mission Steps:. Send the 'Cottage by Picasso' painting via BlackBayPhonecall #3:'That's it, man.

The Lombardis are pleased. Not only is your debt settled but they told me to leave you with a bonus. Go check by the gate. I think you'll like it.'

Mission Steps:. Pick up the package next to your gate.

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