Star Wars Empire Logo Vector
Home Free Vector Logo Entertainment The Empire Strikes Back vector logo - The Empire Strikes Back logo vector free download. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (also known as The Empire Strikes Back) is a 1980 American epic space opera film directed by Irvin Kershner, produced by Gary Kurtz, and written by Leigh Brackett.
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Star Wars Empire Logo Wallpaper
File:Imperial Emblem.svgInformationDescriptionTheSourceTraced from used on the databank; touched up using various other referencesOriginal designer / artistdesign. Some artist at LucasfilmConversion / editing / upload informationvector trace byLicensingThis work is a replica of a image. The individual who uploaded this work and first used it in an article, and subsequent persons who place it into articles assert that the usage of the copyrighted material constitutes under United States copyright law. The conversion work itself is released under the for editing and redistribution to the extent allowed by applicable laws.Other versions / source images.
Contents HistoryIn, under orders from, the ship and its crew arrived at the planet to retrieve materials related to the. They were to take the materials to a testing facility at the planet. However, one of the tanks containing the virus breached as the ship traveled into the, infecting the majority of the crew and mutating them into. At least 46,700 personnel, including 9,700, had been traveling on board the Vector, and almost all were killed by the virus.
Thirty men, including, managed to seal themselves off in one section of the ship and took refuge in the shuttle.Ten weeks later, the happened across the vessel, having suffered damage to its engines. A team from the barge, led by, boarded Vector to salvage components from the ship's engines. Within hours of the crew returning to Purge, however, the majority of the barge's population also contracted the virus. Used vending machines near me. With no chance of escape on the crippled barge, the survivors of the prison ship boarded Vector in an attempt to utilize it as an escape vessel. Of the six survivors who left the Purge and entered the Star Destroyer, only four escaped.Behind the scenesVector is one of the primary settings of the novel, written. The ship is unnamed in the actual novel, but is mentioned in the of an set up prior to the book's release, detailing his life on-board the Vector prior to the events described in the novel.Appearances. (Mentioned only).

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(First appearance).: An Empire Divided (Mentioned only)Sources. – (Card: Trig Longo). '— (Indirect mention only)Notes and references.